I was thinking how the Multiplayer In warband is Fun for Short-term Fighting Skill.
But they Should Make a full thing.
What im talking about is Something Just like Singleplayer (Where you create amies take castles and raid vilages and fight and travle Carlradia) But with Other PLayers.
For People Like me, who prefere Tactical Stratagies and building armies, this would be perfect. instead of the one on one deathmatch or whatever we have greate big battle were players and thier armie of bot minions, could out-wit and out fight each other.
You could also join player Amies if you don't like raising armies.
and you and your player friends could join forces and do massive battles.
Its just an Idea but i would think it is a better multiplayer
But they Should Make a full thing.
What im talking about is Something Just like Singleplayer (Where you create amies take castles and raid vilages and fight and travle Carlradia) But with Other PLayers.
For People Like me, who prefere Tactical Stratagies and building armies, this would be perfect. instead of the one on one deathmatch or whatever we have greate big battle were players and thier armie of bot minions, could out-wit and out fight each other.
You could also join player Amies if you don't like raising armies.
and you and your player friends could join forces and do massive battles.
Its just an Idea but i would think it is a better multiplayer