Move court a second time

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I'm running a long game in Diplomacy mod, and when I first got my kingdom (rebelled), I was automatically given a court in Veluca. I didn't like this, so I got my velvet and tools and moved my court to Uxkhal. I also didn't like the name of the town so I paid a lot of money and changed it.
Now I have nearly conquered all of Swadia and I want to move my capital to Praven. I got my velvet and tools, but there is no option to move my court appearing anywhere now. How do I force my court to move?
it's a little buggy moving court using diplomacy
I think it's in the town menu in praven(where you choose to go into castle/marketplace)
some option doesnt work i forgot which does, you have to trial and error
try talk to your wife/minister/Chancellor
but again I think it's in the town menu
maybe you have to wait for a while to move court again
Nathanmikael said:
Don't think I can... I've defeated my enemies on all sides... wasted their armies. Maybe I can give it away to a vassal?

You can do that. Nevertheless, if you evacuate all the troops from Uxkhal, the respawning enemies will rush for it, considering you haven't conquered the whole Calradia.
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