Mouse Pointer Dissapears

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When ever you alt tab out or another program causes the game to minimize and you try to come back the pointer never reappears. The targeting reticule is there but not the pointer you use for the map or menus.

Im not saying that I like alt tabbing out of the game but us college kids have to do our homework sometime. :grin: And when we finish we want to get right back in.

Thanks and keep up the unbeliveably awesome work.
I've noticed this as well, since I often have it in windowed mode, and alt-enter it to fullscreen every so often. If you make sure to minimize/task-switch/maximize it when you are at a menu screen, it seems to circumvent the bug.
Hello all, just got my serial number today but have been playing for a few days. I love the game and this seems to be the only real bug i've noticed, and the only way I've been able to fix it is if I restart the game.
Ok. I finally decided to move my lazy ass and fix this. So you'll task switch more easily with the new version.

Edit: You can press alt+enter twice to restore the mouse pointer with the current version.
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