The old rock, paper scissors approach I grew tired of a long time ago. It is so hard to mimic real life, and we have grown accustomed to devs shoveling options 1 & 2 down our throats. We deserve better for our money I think.So, I wanted to open this discussion because in both game design and discussions here I see a clash of two differing philosophies around mounted units:
1. Mounted units are straight up better than non-mounted units
but at the same time
- they are faster on both the battlefield and strategic map
- in battle, they seem to be straight up better than their non-mounted counterpart (both ranged and melee) in every situation
- They get an explicit advantage in auto-resolve
- Upgrading (to) a mounted unit is a lot more expensive for the player, and the player is severely limited by the number of available warhorses
- as far as I can tell, this is historically more accurate
2. Mounted units are equivalent to non-mounted units
I feel like the mix of these philosophies results in a lot of back and forth in the form of "(cavalry unit)/(faction with cavalry units) is OP" "Yes but they are supposed to be". So might I propose that we go all the way into one of those directions?
- Unit limit and upkeep is the same as for regular units
- AI can create them for the same price as regular units and is not limited by available warhorses
- Some AI factions just field more mounted units without any apparent disadvantages to compensate, and are thus both faster and better in auto-resolve.
Make mounted units the equivalent of 1.5 non-mounted units in both upkeep and unit limit.
You can e.g. have 60 infantry or 40 cavalry units.
I think in most respects, they already are, and this would solve a lot of problems in my eyes. Namely that your strength as a player indirectly depends on how close you are on the map to cheap warhorses, some weird exploits (have the AI auto-upgrade mounted units, then take the unit back), and most importantly army composition and faction balance.
What do you think? Are there downsides I am overlooking?
Lets just agree for a minute that people aren't all stupid and horses aren't invincible tanks. Lets also agree that training a horse for war is intensive and expensive, the upkeep and reoccurring care was crazy expensive, they are still animals that want to live regardless of your boot spurs, and they die easy. Yes, knights had spurs.
I would be happy with option 1 if it was even more expensive, heavy cav is like 20 times the cost of infantry. Make it damn hard to maintain even 10 of them, which is proportionate to what any baron could field solely, 10 knights per 6000 acres. The amount could be adjusted as per your clan rank, and because I am too lazy right now to actually talk about including a proper feudal system in the game. Then give the footmen and archers a brain and have them target the horse like any sane and historic person would do. Also, allow us to use the terrain to our advantage, forcing swamp play, 2 foot snow, boulder ridden terrain, pike formations, Chevel de frise, ect. Lets make it real if we are going to do this. Horse were a prime target for archers and foot troops. A pike formation targeted the horses then the demounted rider, who has about 10 minutes of fighting before he is so tired he passes out from exhaustion and gets knifed in the throat, armpit or the back.
This will do a few things. We will be forced to not foolishly charge heavy cav in as it is expensive to train, longer to train and you don't want to go through it again. We might even do something historically correct like demount them. It will force us to rely on light cav, which is not as well trained, cost 6 times the cost infantry, is weaker, and arguably historical. This will give every army setup a chance to be equally useful just as it was. There are a many historical battles where horse heavy armies suffered terrible defeats to a foot army. Not because one is better than the other but because fear, tactics, smarts, TRAINING and sheer numbers save the day. Lets make fights worth think our way through.
Also, get rid of that terrible horse stops dead on a spear. Most heavy cav had armor that would not be effected by a hand held spear from the front. Braced spears would just impale it dead, and there would be a lot of moment to carry the dying horse forward further onto the braced spear until the spear finally broke and the horse dropped. They didn't charge into disciplined infantry as they knew there expensive horses were going to be gutted, see first The First Crusade for one of many reference. At Agincourt the knights fought on foot. French and English knights also fought dismounted at Crecy, some French knights reached the forward English divisions, where the men-at-arms hacked them down with axes and swords. Just some extra examples.
As you can see, I want a game that is not cookie cutter. It won't ever match real life, we just aren't there with gaming yet. All I want is something that holds things with the weight they deserve with reasons that make sense.