Mounted troops dismounting all the time

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I don't know if it is to be considered as a bug or just a bad feature anyway; since the last patch monted troops ar able to dismount by their on free will. A great improvement I thought at first. But after I've been blaing for a while I notice that they sometimes dismount in the strangest of situations. Several times my knights approached foot soldiers and just when they were in position to attack they dismount and got killed. Just the fact that mounted troops jump up and down from their horses all the time is actually quite disturbing. I gu8ess I'm not the only one who thought about it.
Sounds like this should be in the bug forums, yeah. Dismounting is a sensible move in some situations, but if NPCs do it at the wrong time, it'll seriously cripple them, as well as making no sense at all.
Copy_con said:
I don't know if it is to be considered as a bug or just a bad feature anyway; since the last patch monted troops ar able to dismount by their on free will.
Actually the latest patch fixed a bug with troops dismounting too easily (not 100% sure though). Are you sure you have the latest patch 0.711? I've seen only 1 inane dismounting so far. But I am playing solo now so I don't get see the reactions to obstacles so close (and have no time while killing those damn bandits).
I've noticed that when i tell a large mounted force to hold position, they clump together and the guys in the middle, feeling 'trapped', tend to dismount. Then when I do order a charge, I only end up with 2/3 of my horsemen with me, with the other guys jogging along 5 minutes later.

using 7.11 and the last days mod
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