Mounted opponents need tweaking...

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Lord Blade

I've been enjoying the game for the most part. Truly a great game.

But one thing that still bugs the crap out of me is mounted opponents.


I mean, I'll be fighting someone on a horse, and they're using a bow. Naturally, I'd expect them to get to a decent range and fire at me. But instead, they simply seem to ride around like idiots at vast distances from you, and fire blindly from time to time (I see arrows flying all over the place).

And if you're on foot, this means that you have to basically sit down and wait for them to run out of arrows, cause you'll never get close to them. They'll simply keep running away from you.

And if this wasn't bad enough, mounted enemies with MELEE weapons do more or less the same thing. They'll ride away into the horizon, and then just circle around you for ages. Then they'll charge in with one pass, which often misses or is blocked, then they ride off again.

I'm really getting annoyed spending 20 minutes in a fight trying to kill ONE opponent.

This needs to be fixed.
He-he-he, try using a bow on a horse and you'll end up doing EXACTLY the same thing :smile:.
And for melee chars.. well, they behave reather realistically - charge, hit, ride away a bit, turn around (well, due to rather large turning radius it may take a bit), repeat.
I'd say it's rather realistic...
And if you fight on foot and have trouble catching them up... tough luck :smile: AI enemies never had a chance to catch me too, unless I screwed up badly.
Well, it's not so much "catching up", cause I know I can't keep up with a horse.
But I'd like to be in melee range once in a while.

And I know about the turning problems on horses. But I've watched guys just ride around in a circle around me maybe 10 times before actually stopping, then charging right at me.
That's strange - I've never noticed that myself. I guess because I always catch them up on my own horse? :smile:
Well, explain situation in detail, and I guess Armadan will fix that, if it's indeed a bug.
When you're on foot against an enemy knight who uses melee weapons... after he charges try to "run away" from him. The bigger distance will allow him to maneuver his horse better, thus letting him charge you sooner.

Then, to stop him and beat the crap out of him, raise your shield, and be just on the trayectory of the enemy knight. The horse will hit you, but will stop, the enemy won't hit you, and you'll be able to hack him into pieces.


For mounted archers... order your army to "charge", and STAY AWAY from them and the enemy... sooner or later they're going to drive him right to you... stop him just like the melee knight, and beat the crap out of him too.

Or just use a bow to kill his horse :smile:
Killing the enemy horses is ALWAYS a good move, unless your going for loot, in which case you lose some of the more valuable pieces.
Well, it's really rare to have them in the loot anyway (like pretty much anything). So, killing horses is a good strategy.
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