Mounted combat (or Warrider!)

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How about making the targeting reticule sway and swerve according to the movements of your horse? The faster you are going and the more difficult the terrain, the more it would sway. Of course, Riding and Mounted Archery skills would help by making the reticule sway a lot less.

But wouldn't this make fighting on horseback very difficult?

Yes it would, and that's the whole point. Currently I find little reason to get off the back of my horse, and it seems very easy to kill my enemies...
Hmm, don't you think that 'wide' reticule includes swaying?
Otherwise, it will be 'narrow' from the start, but will sway wildly.
Actually, that's a good idea... that'll allow us to make more precise shots (with a bit of determination) on the lower horse archery levels.
But that's really minor issue, and is up for Armadan to deside. I think it's pretty good as it is. I'm sure he has more pressing things to attend to :smile:
If I remember correctly, Operation Flashpoint had a swaying reticule, and it worked very well. Of course most other games just make the reticule larger and that works as well.
Personally, I prefer the wider reticule.
It's a lot more unique way of doing it.
Besides, some people don't like the motion of the "head bob".
There was a mod for the original half-life in which the reticule actually blurred instead of widening. I think that was pretty cool.
Well, I've seen a cunning player make a small dot on his screen (or, rather, a piece of transparent tape on the screen!) with a marking pen... A bobbing reticule would remove this exploit.

I'm sure he has more pressing things to attend to

Don't worry, Balor, this is the "Suggestions" thread - not the "Do this and do it now!" thread. I'm sure Armagan knows how to prioritize.
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