Mounted army of mine and enemy kept dismounting! wtf?!

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
I never ordered for my horsemen to dismount and I gave them "CHARGE!" order to charge into black knight and guess that...

Everyone, even my enemy friggin stopped and dismounted without my order and engaged into ground combat!?

This must be bugs, because I don want for my men to dismount but stay on horse while keep charing at them with weapons...


Eagle out...

This is a known problem. Armagan added an AI feature that allows them to dismount when they get stuck. The problem lies in the fact that the AI are constantly thinking they are stuck.

It will just need some tweaking ... but thanks for reporting,

Another bug to note about this new feature is it takes FOREVER for your soldiers to re-mount their horses. And sometimes if there's one horse around, all your soldiers will try to mount that one horse and everyone gets stuck!
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