Mountains: I'll be in Zendar before you.

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Perhaps one could develop a mountaineering skill that would allow some slow movement through the currently impenetrable mountains; this mountain refuge could be offset by mountain bandits having the same ability and/or giving them a tactical advantage of some sort.

keywords: mountain travel mountains pass
Y'know, that's a fantastic idea. I wouldn't mind facing faster bandits or whatever you like if it meant a quick way of escaping that party of dark hunters bearing down on you with breakneck speed.
Yep, and in the same vein... why do forestbandits slow down (lik I/you do) in forests ? After all, isn´t that their enviroment ?
They should slow down, but no so much as you do in percentually (spell?). Say you slow down 20% and they only 12%
Looking back, I should have mentioned that the reason I suggested some mountain traveling ability/skill was to give more variety and depth to the game by having factions with more distinct or unique abilities.

Mountain bandits might have the ability to travel through mountains (although at a slower rate than on open territory) and if our friendly warparty acquires a mountaineering skill, we might add have a tactical disadvantage of some sort if we're attacked in the mountains.

Forest bandits could travel through forests with no slowdown and/or have increased combat effectiveness in a forested area. For simplicity, this effectiveness might be represented by adding a little more hit damage to their attacks.

River Pirates combat abilities - both movement/damage - might be increased by being closer to their natural haunts: river areas. Their increased confidence in fighting near their home turf could be represented in faster battlemap speed and/or increasing their battle damage ability slightly. River pirate's ability to cross rivers anywhere would be cool.

And so on, for each faction. I'm not talking about huge increases in abilities and for some - maybe most - it would be too slight for most of us to recognize it most of the time. However, for close fights or outnumbered fights, that margin of effectiveness could be the difference between destroying the enemy bandits or breaking off the attack and calling it even.

Anyway, my main point is that each faction should have some ability that relates to the area they're fighting in and traveling through. Like Sea Raiders spawning off the coast and appearing in ships (represented by some longboat icon), that sort of thing.

I've mentioned these thoughts before, but I believe I've not gathered these ideas in one place.
I DID have a post on 'mountain passes' before, but it died like most of my posts on any forums. Usually they die to something really annoying and trivial, but on the MnB forums theres so many active topics it hardly matters 8D

I agree with you on the bandit's haunts. The only problem I see is not being able to sail out and hunt down the sea raiders myself :wink:... That and there would need to be a bigger forest or just more of them.
On a related note, it would be interesting if your ability to traverse through different terrain depended on whether you were using mounted troops or not. For instance, cavalry owns the open plains, but foot soldiers could outrun them in woods/mountains (which is somewhat realistic).
also what kind of horse you got, if you got a steppe horse, your gonna manuver better on hilly terrain, if you gotta courser of charger, its gonna be a little idfficult for the horses to preform to thier best ability

ya, because chargers and warhorses have all that hevay armer.

I always thought those differnt bandit groups should have some skill that no one else has.
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