Mount&Musket: Bug Reports and Technical Help

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Hello folks!
I'm running Mount and Blade 1.134 and I have the proper Mount and Musket module, but whenever I join a multiplayer game, I get kicked by the server several minutes later. Does anybody know how to fix this?
Thanks guys!

I am using Mount and Musket Beta 0.4.2
Right. Since yesterday I've been having a rather perculiar issue with M&M when I attempt to join either the 51st or the 51st Training Server. What happens is when I join the server I get a "lost connection" error, if I attempt to join again I get the rather obvious "your profile is in use" error. It effectively goes in circles preventing me from joining. I've tried reinstalling M&M, creating a new profile, etc yet to no avail. (and yes, the server is accessible by other people so I know it's my client...)

Any ideas?
Maybe your session is stuck, this is pure speculation tough since my knowledge regarding IP connectivity with servers is limited. Try asking the server host to check from his side and maybe reset the server, you can also try resetting your router if your connected to one.
as far as i know (know some people with the same problem), the "lost connection" problem is just annoying and it will go away after a little while (if not, sorry bout that). But the "profile is in use" problem is the same as when you lose connection while playing and try to reconnect immediatelly: your char in game keeps walking while you arent doing anything. so because your char is still there under your name, it says its in use
Yeah I know what the profile in use issue is. I was just providing it for reference. The thing is, I can only connect to the server once out of like 20 attempts (if that). Spunned has reset the server and I have restarted my PC/router prior to making this thread, though the issue still occurs.
Gishank said:
Yeah I know what the profile in use issue is. I was just providing it for reference. The thing is, I can only connect to the server once out of like 20 attempts (if that). Spunned has reset the server and I have restarted my PC/router prior to making this thread, though the issue still occurs.

I'd suggest figuring out which port the server uses, then forward it to your comp from your router and open it on your comp. See if that solves your connectivity issues.
Someone help idk where to put this so whenever i try to join a mount and musket server it says "your are banned from server" but i didnt do anything wrong!! someone just randomly banned me!
Is this whole "reload a musket in less than three seconds" a graphic errors or did someone figure out how to change the coding finally? 'cause either way it's still being exploited to reload near instantly.
I have a volume problem with the game. The volume is extremely faint. I turn up everything to the max even the in game sound in the options. My PC is very powerful. I reinstalled the game and uninstalled and installed again. Same problem. Whats wrong?
when i try to start the game i get a message
"the procedure entry point ?getdriverinfo@system@fmod@@qag?aw4fmod_result@@hpadhpaufmod_guid@@@z could not be located in the dynamic link library fmodex.dll"
can someone help me?
For directx you can go to microsoft download page:

As for your audio drivers... It depends on your audio card.
ok i got it working but when i go to play online it asks for a seriel key, i put in activation code but that doesn't work can someone tell me what there talking about
I just instaled and started... everything works... but when I try to connect on any server it pops out message "unable to connect to server".....
Hey guys i need help....When i start the game i go to the maps and when i click connect it says that i need a module to play it..I click "Yes"to take me to that site but it just say this : This page contains the download links of approved modules that are released for Mount&Blade Warband. Please check this forum page for the rest of the modules.

Approved Mount&Blade Warband modules:

There are currently no approved modules for Mount&Blade Warband.  (
Do you now what module do i need to download or how to fix it??
King of Scotland said:
For Runtime error, check Steam Support at
                    Hi there  :grin:  .... I had mount and musket lately but I have a very strange problem ..... when I go to the multiplayer and join a free battl "without password" and get in the battle appears an error "kicked from the game"  everytime everytime everytime .... from the firsdt time I joined for now the error appears ... I still dunno if the battle is kicking me or the person who made it does .... can u help me by that ? this really getting me crazy .... thank u
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