Mount&Musket - Battalion Rule Book

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General Rules

1. You shall not disgrace your colours by using them to fight. Instead, you must rely on your comrades and on kicking.
2. You shall protect the colours with your life.
3. You shall accept the surrender of prisoners.
4. You shall lay down your arms upon surrendering. Officers may give parole, and may keep their sword, but not use it.
5. You shall obey your orders.
6. You shall not mount horses as Infantry unless you are an officer or a dragoon.
7. Cuirassiers are discouraged in normal play. As for special scenarios, full cuirassier teams are allowed if that's the scenario agreed upon the approval of a team member.
8. You shall wear full uniform at all times. (Uniform, hat, boots)
9. You are restricted to one firearm only unless you are a cavalryman, where you are allowed a brace of pistols (if you can acquire one). However, cavalry pistol ammunition will be much more expensive.
10. Surrender Rules:
11. Grenades, especially massed use of them, are discouraged in general play.

If you are surrounded or are the last man in your team left, you may surrender. You shall drop your weapons, unless if you are an officer, whereby you may keep your sword, but sheath it. You should block with your hands to show that you are unarmed and surrender. The enemy will then assemble either a firing squad, a kicking squad, or an executioner, who should be a sapper or any other troop with a large blade. Then, when the prisoner is ready, the prisoner will say so, and the execution will commence. However, if the prisoner is not the last man alive (an example of which is where a scout is cut down in a line battle at the start), then his team can try and rescue him. During a firefight, the prisoner should not be involved and should not be shot. If the prisoner picks up or unsheaths a weapon, he is regarded as part of the enemy team and can be shot.

Line Battle Rules

Standard Line Battle Rules
1. The teams must comprise entirely of infantry with the exception of the commanders.
2. There is only one commander per team, henceforth known as the Lieutenant. The Lieutenant may be mounted on a horse.
3. The Lieutenant may assign a second-in-command, henceforth known as the Sergeant, who keeps the line in order and takes command upon the death of the Lieutenant.
4. The Sergeant must be on foot.
5. The Lieutenant may assign another officer to carry the colour, henceforth known as the Ensign. The Ensign may take command upon the death of the Lieutenant and the Sergeant but normally must take position behind the line on foot and be a morale booster.
6. There are only a few formations allowed:
Line (Fire and advance)

Massed skirmish is not approved of but allowed in dense woodland. Otherwise, it is allowed when the team's number falls three-quarters of its original number. e.g. Team began with 50, it may begin skirmishing upon the team having 12 members left.

Desertion/Routing Rule (Optional)
This rule concerns people who leave the line during a fight or as they start, they run off. When this happens, the Lieutenant may try to stop them and threaten them. If after three times they do not return to the line, they are classed as enemies and can be shot at. However, prisoners and remnants of scouting or skirmishing parties are not deserters.

Skirmishers and Scouts (Optional)
1. If, during a Line Battle, there are more than 10 players, the Lieutenant may assign one player in his team to become a scout.
2. The scout can harry enemy skirmishers, cut down deserting or fleeing enemies, and engage enemy scouts. Their tactic is to report on enemy movements and to render the enemy "blind". The scout is normally a hussar but can be an uhlan or a horse chasseur, depending on faction (i.e. if they don't have hussars).
3. If there are more than 15 players, a second scout is allowed.
4. If there are more than 12 players, the Lieutenant may assign a skirmisher party. This can be lead by the Sergeant or by a trusted individual with skill of command but is not an officer, henceforth known as the Corporal.
5. The Corporal may choose a few men to follow him. The maximum is 10, but if the team itself has less than 20, then 5 is the maximum for the skirmisher party.
6. Skirmishers may report on enemy positions, shoot enemies from afar, ambush the enemy team, and kill enemy scouts and skirmishers.
7. Skirmishers should spread out, in the skirmish pattern. It is advised that skirmishers pair up, so that one may cover the other as he is reloading.
8. Skirmishers may be Line Infantry or Light Infantry, or a mixture of both. The maximum amount of riflemen (i.e. all troops with rifles, including Jaegers, Grenzers etc) allowed is 2. (The other Grenzers/Jaegers must use their muskets)

For a standard match, only the General Rules are in place. General Rules (inc. Surrender Rules) are in place all the time unless a team member says so.
For a standard line-battle, only the General Rules and the Line Battle Rules are in place.
A team member may allow the use of any of the other rulesets.
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