Mount & Blade Warband Strategy Questions

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Stay away from steppe bandits and desert bandits since they are fast. Maybe you can choose more rich path from charecter creation and recruit and upgrade rodok and swadian sharpshooters. By doing this, you can easily hunt down forest bandits who are in swadian lands. When you increase your money money, well you are back in bussiness.
How to do missions to follow a enemy spy because I failing one as scoundrel enter in town. In native cattle not follow me as in mods such as Brytenwalda
First thing for follow enemy spy is high tracking skill since enemy spy is so fast and his trace is so small to see. Even If you see enemy spy by spotting skill when you are following him, keep your distance. Because he will see you and he won't meet with his comrades. You must capture him when he is meeting with his comrades. You must also capture all of them by knocking out so you must use blunt weapon.
If you can, leave most of your party in a garrison, you need to stay small and fast. You only need to capture the spy and his handler, the guards are unimportant.
Lances are imprctical in battles for me so I never used them in battle(sure they are fun to play with). Because you must maintain certain amount of speed for using lances effectively while I prefer to stay on enemy archers with my cavs. I am using bow, arrows, one handed weapon and sheild. With bow you have ranged weapon and never undersetimate bows, you can kill a decent amount of enemy with it.

For one handed weapons, I am using shimitars. They are not heavy and they have decent reach and speed stats. They are certainly better than bastard swords for me.

Well, when it comes chasing enemy with a horse, you should choose a horse which have best stat in maneuver. That horse would be a steppe charger If I remember correctly. Also, higher riding skill always help you to chase them down.

Edit: Steppe charger has best maneuver among chargers.
I try playing as female but seems so hard because enemies charging at me agressive than my male playthrough, are hints for a good female playthrough in native and mods generally
JosieJ said:
I've posted this before, but there are several advantages to playing as a female character:

  • You're not constantly losing relation with kings because you keep rejecting their offers of vassalship.
  • You don't have to suck up to a guy and his daughter/sister in order to get married.
  • You don't have to come up with a dowry or wait until you get a castle/town to get married.
  • You don't have to memorize any bad poetry.
  • You'll never have to duel anyone over a love affair.
  • As long as you're married, rebelling and keeping your properties is easy.
  • You can garrison troops in any property your husband owns, free of charge.  You can also take troops from his properties. 
  • You can steal high-value prisoners from his properties as well, and you get the ransom!
  • You're guaranteed at least 1 vassal for your kingdom right away.

The one in bold writing is the chief advantage of playing as a female character, and what the wiki means when they say you can use a husband as a political tool: Join a faction, get married, and rack up a bunch of fiefs together with your husband.  Once you're rich enough and have a lot of properties between the two of you, convince your husband that you really should be Queen of Calradia, and you've instantly rebelled with all the properties you jointly own, and with your husband as a vassal.  No need to wait to get rejected for a fief, no need to lose your properties.  Or, take up a claimant's cause, convince a lord to join the cause as well and marry him, and have the claimant assign all fiefs to you and/or your husband.  Then, tell the claimant you don't think their rebellion will succeed and withdraw.  Now you've got most of their territories and you've weakened both the original faction and the claimant's faction, so they're easy to conquer.  If you have the Diplomacy mod, you can also marry a claimant directly, but then you don't get to rule personally.

You can always look JosieJ posts and find something very useful, my friend.
I wish a very slower approach how I have seen in Violet's Tale, what's happening if I playing 2000 days, are some tips
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