Mount&Blade the board game V:II

should you be able to enlist in a lords army and work for him for denars each week?

  • yes!

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • no!

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Can you tweak it a little bit(post what you want teaked)

    Votes: 2 18.2%

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  • Poll closed .

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Grandmaster Knight
First thing first no trolling or offensive language such as racist jokes or you will be reported immediatly to the admins :!: this is about suggestions for the mount and blade boardgame. I will take in all suggestions and make them polls or deny them or accept them right on the spot. ty for the suggestions :grin: There are only two nations right now adding more soon rhodoks and swadian also there is some skills will post them soon also i was thinking about dual weilding you'll have to tell me how you feal about that.GAME DETAILS: it will not be completely accurate to the game yet! But it will have a couple factions such as swadian&rhodoks. i am working on it I will give updates on the progress and please give me some suggestions of what to be in it. companions have been added to the game like a faithfull dog or a vicious wolf. the dog will get objects off the battle field during the battle for you Ex: your shield broke a guy is charging you and he will kill you with one swing but luckily your faithfull dog toby comes with a shield in his mouth for you. The objective of this game is to either have the most money the most power or be still living(yes you can be excuted in this game if you cant pay the bail) DO NOT WORRY I WILL BY THE END OF THIS WEEKEND HAVE A PICTURE AND A CAPTION ABOUT THE GAME!
Caravan will need to be protected other wise they may be looted and attcked then your town may start to starve and slowly die off.
Some skills
Hahahahaha oh dear God, no offensive language, or you will be reported to the admins? Like they will ****ing care.

On a more serious note: what are you basic ideas for the game in the first place?
What will the players be doing? Are they playing as mercenaries, or as nations? If nations, how will you handle trade? (I'd suggest cards assigned to caravans, which can be ambushed to disrupt trade.)
QuailLover said:
Hahahahaha oh dear God, no offensive language, or you will be reported to the admins? Like they will ****ing care.
Hell, some of them will probably pop in just to spout some curses. (Besides, we have a language filter so why bother complaining?)
I see no ****ing way how this would work without even posting how the system ****ing works.

EDIT: And why go to the trouble of making a board game version of a VIDEO game? I mean, seriously, I bet nobody would play this unless maybe it was kinda like D&D.
gaham1 said:
First thing first no trolling or offensive language or you will be reported immediatly to the admins :!: this is about suggestions for the mount and blade boardgame. I will take in all suggestions and make them polls or deny them or accept them right on the spot. ty for the suggestions :grin:


But yeah, as for topic:

>1:Copy Risk
>2:Add Event/Location/Action cards
Also a simple character system would work too. Probably Combat Prowess, Leadership, and Economic.

The board could be similar Axis and Allies, where some areas provide more income than others. You would have to buy your units, and your income could be adjusted by your character's economic skill.

Leadership could effect the amount of units the player could field, or even how much he can recruit per turn.

Combat Prowess, could effect in battle.
Can't we just all get into one group on a board and fight monsters of ever increasing weirdness one after the other non stop, without all this traveling bullcrap? Of all the things that people think I can live without in a game, putting one foot in front of the other just doesn't seem to be very popular.
Shatari said:
What will the players be doing? Are they playing as mercenaries, or as nations? If nations, how will you handle trade? (I'd suggest cards assigned to caravans, which can be ambushed to disrupt trade.)
QuailLover said:
Hahahahaha oh dear God, no offensive language, or you will be reported to the admins? Like they will ******** care.
Hell, some of them will probably pop in just to spout some curses. (Besides, we have a language filter so why bother complaining?)
i meant as offensive language as racist jokes not swearing :smile:
I'm no specialist on board games but wouldn't it be cooler if fighting was an actual part of the game? Maybe some kind of separate battle maps a'la chess with terrain... idk... :smile:
gaham1 said:
First thing first no trolling or offensive language such as racist jokes or you will be reported immediatly to the admins

We never made racist jokes, but if you would like one

Right dem muslims...
Heh, a rabbi and a priest walk into a bar. They both see a kid when the priest says: "Do we **** him?" And the rabbi answer: "Sure! What do we sell him?"

So yes, territory map+combat map is a damn good idea, actually. Keep it simple, with few units. Maybe 2 infantry types, 2 archers and 2 cavalry, with an upgrade for each?
Only way i can see M&B becoming a boardgame is by making it like RISK.

How your going to make it fun and not complicated is beyond me. Maybe like pins and tiles, and a dice. With trivia question on every tile, a la trivial pursuit?

But seriously.

What's your vision gaham?

You can't just go

"O hai i wanna makezx a board gamez ololololol. Suggestions??????"

And then just throw in every ****ing obsure and obscure suggestion you do get. Maybe you should have taken some time to actually know and learn from the forum before you posted this.
Instead of going haywire and pissed of because you think of yourself as "misunderstood".  I doubt anyone is taking you serious anymore.

Have you made boardgames before?

How did people think of it?

Why do you want to make a boardgame?

diavel said:
I'm no specialist on board games but wouldn't it be cooler if fighting was an actual part of the game? Maybe some kind of separate battle maps a'la chess with terrain... idk... :smile:
well i was plannig for the board to be filled with minatures! and when your archers where in range it would have a little video of archers firing arrows and it would say how many kills
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