
Well most of you should no how to do this but just in case.... basicly we take turns at writing a bit of a story which somehow and somewhere in the story each of our storys start to become one.
Starting as a small boy Richard DragonKurk had a dream of becoming the best knight in the whole of Calradia since an Enemy war group destroyedhis vilage and killed his parents and childhood friends. Now he had his chance he was in the Vaegir Army, Finaly he could start his dream by learning the ways of war!
But due to his anger and not liking to be told what to do he was thrown out after disobaying an order which cost his patrol a battle they could of won.
After being kicked out he was not seen for a very long time, He was thought to be in Private training with a group Mercenarys.
When very unexpectidly he turned up in tavern on the Vaegir Border trying to get people to join his patrol which he would personaly pay for there equipment.
"People! Join me! Help me in my quest to force my way into Enemy territory and extend OUR Empire!" shouted Richard
He wasn't having much luck finding companions.
"Come on People I can change your lives!!! I can change the tieds in this war with your HELP!"

Starting as a small boy Richard DragonKurk had a dream of becoming the best knight in the whole of Calradia since an Enemy war group destroyedhis vilage and killed his parents and childhood friends. Now he had his chance he was in the Vaegir Army, Finaly he could start his dream by learning the ways of war!
But due to his anger and not liking to be told what to do he was thrown out after disobaying an order which cost his patrol a battle they could of won.
After being kicked out he was not seen for a very long time, He was thought to be in Private training with a group Mercenarys.
When very unexpectidly he turned up in tavern on the Vaegir Border trying to get people to join his patrol which he would personaly pay for there equipment.
"People! Join me! Help me in my quest to force my way into Enemy territory and extend OUR Empire!" shouted Richard
He wasn't having much luck finding companions.
"Come on People I can change your lives!!! I can change the tieds in this war with your HELP!"