Mount & Blade Needs Your Help!

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Knight at Arms
Old Guard
The rating on Underdogs has slipped by at least 1% since about a month ago. This means is that Mount & Blade is no longer on the first page of RPGs. Knocked off by some stupid game called Grandia II that noone's ever heard of. :evil:

If you haven't voted before (I'm not going to ask anyone to break the law :roll:) please go and show your appreciation and vote today...

Well I've played Grandia one and seen Grandia Two played, they both classify for the hights of classic RPGdom. Mount and blade is the best of the new breed though. Rpgs without main characters who have blue hair(Grandia 1) Personally I like mount and blade better.
I think they already promoted this worthy game so they need to move on, but don't worry faithful ones, this cult will grow. Praise to Mitra my lands need rain.
I voted 10 for it... btw is Grandia II any good? Not that i would have time to play it *laughs*
Yeh Grandia II wasn't bad. I liked playing it. But it is a quite linear Japanese Style RPG. It's fighting system actually uses the 3rd dimension for more then eye candy and the training system is sorta cool.

I would like to draw you attention also to the 50 newest downloads at fileplanet where M&B is still with a 5/5 vote, but there are only 6 voters.

Now, I don't want to urge anyone to falsify an honest vote, but you may think it as a kind gesture to other humans who haven't seen the light yet.
Jerky said:
Jerky: Borcha, you shot me on the back of my head yet again, though your horse archery is 10 and your profiency with bow is over 400!
Borcha: Yes, well, um, A WIZARD DID IT!!
Jerky: that doesn't make any s..
Borcha:A WIZARD!!

sheek said:
The rating on Underdogs has slipped by at least 1% since about a month ago. This means is that Mount & Blade is no longer on the first page of RPGs. Knocked off by some stupid game called Grandia II that noone's ever heard of. :evil:

Jeez... hope your being sarcastic...

Grandia was pretty massive, Grandia 2 more so, and Grandia 3 is said to be released on one of the next-gen consoles. Don't be so narrow minded.
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