Mount&Blade Iron Launcher 1.3.1 By Swyter

What do you want to add/improve in next versions of Iron Launcher?

  • Warband support

    Votes: 158 68.7%
  • More Languages

    Votes: 18 7.8%
  • Interface Enhancement

    Votes: 25 10.9%
  • Re-Built the entire program

    Votes: 11 4.8%
  • In-deep bug correction

    Votes: 18 7.8%

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Grandmaster Knight


Hi :grin: , and welcome to the Mount&Blade Iron Launcher's Homepage. You can find here the latest download, update info and... of course :wink: , pseudo-live program support, the typical "send-to me-feedback"  :wink: , or the always present problems that you sure may encounter.  :smile:


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MBIL 1.2  
MBIL 1.1   (The Link is down :?: )

damn, this is very cool, nice work!  I look forward to playing around with this.  hehe

I would slightly modify your install instructions in the readme, to explain how you should copy the native "Data" folder underneath your module's folder and then make any changes you want to inside that one, etc.

Swyter - This is very cool, but I have a request for how this could be improved.  I'd like to ship a custom font with my mod, but not require people to use this launcher.  So currently if I put my modified in the textures folder of my mod and they try to use it with the native M&B launcher then the font would be all messed up.  I'm hoping you could add configuration for the following type of setting, where you can define your font texture and your program would copy that file to for the selected mod and then delete it when it shuts down.  I think this would allow a mod to ship a custom font and use either the M&B launcher or your Iron Launcher.

HokieBT said:
Swyter - This is very cool, but I have a request for how this could be improved.  I'd like to ship a custom font with my mod, but not require people to use this launcher.  So currently if I put my modified in the textures folder of my mod and they try to use it with the native M&B launcher then the font would be all messed up.  I'm hoping you could add configuration for the following type of setting, where you can define your font texture and your program would copy that file to for the selected mod and then delete it when it shuts down.  I think this would allow a mod to ship a custom font and use either the M&B launcher or your Iron Launcher.


Hmmm... good idea, I'll put this in the code in the next version. Have You tried M&B Font customiser 1.3. Ive crorrected all the other bugs that you post last time, but isnt too solicited (2 download  :roll:), this is dead? or my program is soo bad?  :eek:

If you (or other) have more suggestions, I´m always listening  :grin:
Thanks a lot for this nice tool, Swyter. It's excellent! I love it! However, I've got a question - Can I really make my own custom skeletons and use them in-game? Like this?

  <Skeleton name="skel_cdvader">
      <Bone name="hb_abdomen" bone_mass="10" bone_twist_limit="20" bone_cone_max="30"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.15" pos_x="-0.0327" pos2_x="0.0327" pos_y="-0.045900" pos2_y="-0.045900" pos_z="0.040400" pos2_z="0.040400"/> </Bodies> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_thigh_l" bone_mass="10" bone_twist_limit="30" bone_cone_max="70"><Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.09" pos_x="0.0045" pos2_x="0.0045" pos_y="0.089725" pos2_y="0.434114" pos_z="0.027649" pos2_z="0.043844"/></Bodies> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_calf_l" bone_mass="6" rotate_side="45" bone_twist_limit="45"  bone_cone_min = "-5" bone_cone_max="5" socket_dir_y="0.0" socket_dir_x="0.9"><Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.06" pos_x="0.0076" pos2_x="0.0076" pos_y="0.071147" pos2_y="0.447461" pos_z="0.058433" pos2_z="0.005583"/></Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_foot_l"></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_thigh_r" bone_mass="10" bone_twist_limit="30"  bone_cone_max="70"><Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.09" pos_x="-0.0045" pos2_x="-0.0045" pos_y="0.089725" pos2_y="0.434114" pos_z="0.027649" pos2_z="0.043844"/></Bodies> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_calf_r" bone_mass="6" rotate_side="45" bone_twist_limit="45"  bone_cone_min = "-5" bone_cone_max="5" socket_dir_y="0.0" socket_dir_x="0.9"><Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.06" pos_x="-0.0076" pos2_x="-0.0076" pos_y="0.071147" pos2_y="0.447461" pos_z="0.058433" pos2_z="0.005583"/></Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_foot_r"></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_spine" bone_mass="10" bone_twist_limit="20" bone_cone_max="30"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.14" pos_x="0.028570" pos2_x="-0.026203" pos_y="0.131210" pos2_y="0.131584" pos_z="0.008536" pos2_z="0.010200"/> </Bodies> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_thorax" bone_mass="10" bone_twist_limit="20" bone_cone_max="30"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.145" pos_x="-0.046671" pos2_x="0.046902" pos_y="0.111923" pos2_y="0.111877" pos_z="0.003622" pos2_z="0.001374"/> </Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_head" bone_mass="3" bone_twist_limit="60"  bone_cone_max="70"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.09" pos_x="-0.002853" pos2_x="-0.004396" pos_y="0.004160" pos2_y="0.102851" pos_z="0.000345" pos2_z="-0.009731"/> </Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_shoulder_l" bone_mass="3" bone_twist_limit="50" bone_cone_max="10"><Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.065" pos_x="-0.003582" pos2_x="-0.003063" pos_y="0.129283" pos2_y="0.162886" pos_z="-0.003477" pos2_z="-0.000981"/></Bodies> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_upperarm_l" bone_mass="4" rotate_side="-60" bone_twist_limit="20" bone_cone_max="40"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.06" pos_x="-0.004050" pos2_x="-0.003737" pos_y="0.068400" pos2_y="0.218365" pos_z="-0.012791" pos2_z="-0.009558"/></Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_forearm_l" bone_mass="2" rotate_up="-45" bone_twist_limit="45" bone_cone_max="5" socket_dir_z="1"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.052" pos_x="0.007783" pos2_x="0.006982" pos_y="0.013050" pos2_y="0.238987" pos_z="-0.014167" pos2_z="-0.020907"/></Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_hand_l"> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_item_l"> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_shoulder_r" bone_mass="3" bone_twist_limit="50" bone_cone_max="10"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.065" pos_x="0.003582" pos2_x="0.003063" pos_y="0.129283" pos2_y="0.162886" pos_z="-0.003477" pos2_z="-0.000981"/></Bodies> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_upperarm_r" bone_mass="4" rotate_side="-60" bone_twist_limit="20" bone_cone_max="40"><Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.06" pos_x="0.004050" pos2_x="0.003737" pos_y="0.068400" pos2_y="0.218365" pos_z="-0.012791" pos2_z="-0.009558"/></Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_forearm_r" bone_mass="2" rotate_up="45" bone_twist_limit="45" bone_cone_max="5" socket_dir_z="-1"> <Bodies> <body type="capsule" radius="0.052" pos_x="-0.007783" pos2_x="-0.006982" pos_y="0.013050" pos2_y="0.238987" pos_z="-0.014167" pos2_z="-0.020907"/></Bodies></Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_hand_r"> </Bone>
      <Bone name="hb_item_r"> </Bone>
And then use it in my module? Like this?
    "undead", 0,
    "undead_body", "undead_calf_l", "undead_handL",
    "undead_head1", man_face_keys,
 ["man_hair_s","man_hair_m","man_hair_n","man_hair_o", "man_hair_y10", "man_hair_y12","man_hair_p","man_hair_r","man_hair_q","man_hair_v","man_hair_t","man_hair_y6","man_hair_y3","man_hair_y7","man_hair_y9","man_hair_y11","man_hair_u","man_hair_y","man_hair_y2","man_hair_y4"], #man_hair_meshes ,"man_hair_y5","man_hair_y8",
    ["beard_e","beard_d","beard_k","beard_l","beard_i","beard_j","beard_z","beard_m","beard_n","beard_y","beard_p","beard_o",   "beard_v", "beard_f", "beard_b", "beard_c","beard_t","beard_u","beard_r","beard_s","beard_a","beard_h","beard_g",], #beard meshes ,"beard_q"
    ["hair_blonde"], #hair textures
    ["beard_blonde"], #beard_materials
    [("undeadface",0xffffffff,["hair_blonde"],[0xffffffff, 0xffb04717, 0xff502a19, 0xff19100c]),
     ], #undead_face_textures
[(voice_die,"snd_man_die"),(voice_hit,"snd_man_hit"),(voice_grunt,"snd_man_grunt"),(voice_grunt_long,"snd_man_grunt_long"),(voice_yell,"snd_man_yell"),(voice_warcry,"snd_man_warcry"),(voice_victory,"snd_man_victory")], #voice sounds
    "skel_cdvader", 1.0,
Notice the <Skeleton name="skel_cdvader"> and "skel_cdvader", 1.0,. I just have to ask - This sounds way to good to be true!
Wow. Great job. I'll have tocheck this out when I get home.

If the skeleton thing is true, you shall be named the heir to the throne of octoburnland.
Lumos said:
So what does this actually do?
There are several configuration files for things like skyboxes, skeletons, fonts, etc. that are only read from the root "Data" folder of M&B.  Therefore, when we build a mod it was previously impossible to modify these files or you would mess up all other modules.  Swyter made this program to get around this limitation, so its now possible for us to release a mod with custom fonts, skyboxes, and potential other changes that could never be done before.  Overall, this is a very cool concept and it has the potential to be taken even further.  Some random suggestions for other things that might be helpful, in my order of priority.  :wink:

1) rename the ..\Textures\ as I mentioned above
2) All the ..\CommonRes\core_*.brf files are hard-coded, so it would be nice to be able to ship modified versions and have this launcher temporarily rename\replace the current ones.
3) I've heard about some people trying to modify mb.fx which is in the Root M&B folder, so it might be helpful to be able to ship a modified version of that file.

cdvader - I think that is the idea, however, I don't really understand what it all means and I don't think the latest version of BRFEdit supports importing new skeletons?  This is something I'm very interested in since it would be great for the star wars mod, so I will be trying to look into it more in the future....
GetAssista said:

this is skeleton parameters used by ragdoll physics. As you can see, those do not define skeleton, as no connection or length data exists in this xml

Yes, you' re Right  :smile:, but if you want to improve your physics skel system is a good idea (sometimes when my horse dies near a fence it flies squirming causing surrealistic scene)  :smile:

While youre reading this, Im crashing my keyboard typing the code  :mrgreen: with your suggestions. Seriously
I almost had to make a new version by week . :wink: There's a thousand of bugs (Im a null programmer)  :eek:


The "font ghost" function runs also if you renames to,
but in next version (almost finished) you can put your own texture name (the old "" that you suggest)  :wink: 

Hmm... core_ resources and mb hardcode shaders... really interesant. Other things?  :cool:
my only other comment might be to add a little more error handling just in-case your program were to ever crash.  I did the following test:

1) started M&B using your IronLauncher.exe, saw the Data folder renamed and my custom Data folder copied in its place
2) I then intentionally killed your program, so when I exited out of M&B the Data folder were not named back
3) I then re-started the module using your IronLauncher.exe, I got an error message that M&B couldn't load and had crashed (not sure why) and when M&B exited your program also quit like it should have.
4) However, the problem was I was left with a Data folder that contained my modified files and the Data_Iron_Launcher folder was blank, so I couldn't get the Native files back until I re-installed.  I tried killing your IronLauncher.exe a few times and then re-launching M&B with the IronLauncher.exe again and was able to replicate this a few times.

Now, I don't think its likely your program will crash and its been working fine when I've been using it so far.  But, if you can add some extra error handling that IF a Data_Iron_Launcher folder already exists then it should realize there was a problem and don't overwrite or delete those files since they are actually the original ones, etc...
I just read the readme and briefly checked it out and it looks great.  For those who haven't read the readme yet Swyter added support for a mod only, custom versions of the core_*.brf files, custom mb.fx, etc.  I haven't had time to test this all yet, but a few random comments...

1) your download contains something called "IronLauncher_resourced.exe" so I had to rename it to "IronLauncher.exe" to get it to work correctly
2) The launcher no longer disappears after a few seconds, I had to move it out of the way so I could select my mod and it stays running in the background
3) when you get time update the first post with the new version number and description

anyway, this is VERY cool, and I look forward to playing around with this stuff.  thanks again!


Well, I've corrected all minor bugs, optimized code, add new documentation in PDF, extended error handling (suggested by HokieBT). I think that this is an stable version.

PD: HokieBT, yes I compile and pack it too fast, if you have downloaded v1.1 rename IronLauncher_resourced.exe as IronLauncher.exe, a little fail...  :grin:

:arrow: DOWNLOAD LINK MBIL v1.2 - 24/7  :grin:

Max_marksman said:
This thing don't work for me, it just don't start when I click on it.

Iron Launcher auto recognises M&B installation dir, module folder, etc.. If you havent a clean install of M&B (without reg keys  pointing to the correct folder,...) or many M&B installs at the same time, IL closes automat. so you must follow readme instructions and copy IL files to your Last M&B install (this is the problem of modder all days are touching everything :razz: :razz:) sure that a normal player runs quite good  :grin: (Dont complain, Im a toucher too  :cool:)
I briefly tried this out and it looks great.  I plan to include a new font in the next release of my mod with this and hopefully will expand it more in the future.  thanks!

edit:  you should edit the first post of this thread to include the updated info and link
HokieBT said:
I briefly tried this out and it looks great.  I plan to include a new font in the next release of my mod with this and hopefully will expand it more in the future.  thanks!

edit:  you should edit the first post of this thread to include the updated info and link

No I prefer to get involved of your happy post, the premise of every developer... ahhh Hokie Im waiting for the next version of your Conquest (Im a devoted fan, good work too  :grin:)
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