Mount&Blade II: Rome ?

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Grandmaster Knight
I don't wan't to get ahead of myself (or you Arm) but... the first mount and blade seems to be nearing completion (hopefully within the next few month (: ) So I was looking ahead into the next one, what about a Rome style one, since this one is Medieval, you could do a time machine warp back in the past. Same general concept as it's cousin, but more in-depth, and in the Roman time frame.

Once again I know this is a while away, but... what do you guys think?
Actually, we visited the ruins of ephesus a few weeks ago (at one time it was the capital of the Roman province of asia minor) and I also felt the urge to make a game about the romans. :smile:

There could be many interesting ideas to use with such a setting. Tournaments, of course, would be replaced with gladiator fights. Slavery could serve as an important theme since capturing/freeing prisoners is an important aspect of Mount&Blade. It would be particularly interesting to reconstruct roman settlements. In short, that would work sweetly...

But of course, I love the medieval thing too so it's a tough choice... :wink:
romans would be real cool, but again it will be really limited in the weapon and armor, but medieval you got more stuff IMO, romans got huge foot soldier shield, that cannot be used by horsemen, can be cool to decide what kind you want to be,because i cant see how you can ride with that big shield the legionair was using, general got only the gladdius , horsement got lance and a smaller shield, you can throw pilum for the foot soldier, it can be cool but i think medieval time is more deep in any aspect.
To my mind Ancient Greece would make a much better setting. Warring City States, foreign invaders, a variety of different classes and weapons and Spartans, the coolest infantry ever!
Problem with Romans and Greeks however is that the focus would be shifted from cavalry (which imo, is where the game really shines).
Considering that the game is still in its Beta stages, it's a bit early to talk about a sequel... Still, Rome would be very interesting and not at all limited in equipment - unless you limit your research to the movies. Just changing the Arena to the Colosseum and perhaps building a plotline from there would be a good start. Gladiators used a multitude of different weapons and fought against all kinds of exotic animals and even sea battles!

Quite on the contrary to what was said above, the Roman army wasn't limited to just a footman's shield, gladius and pilum, and cavalry (often foreign) became increasingly important in the later stages of the Roman Empire.

Setting the game in the decadence of the Fall of the Roman Empire would provide Romans with dozens of different enemy factions (not forgetting the enemy within) to fight against, each exotic in their own way, from Europe to Middle East and Africa. The Mediterranian area would be a great setting for a game, where the sea would be a lot more important than the one in Mount&Blade. Fighting from one galley to another rocking in the waves... Now that would be a unique experience. And let's not forget the Punic Wars where you can meet elephants in the Alps...

Boring? Limited? An empire that spanned the entire Mediterranean area and reached all the way up North to Britannia is hardly lacking in depth.


wherever you say you will got more items in the medieval age .. more advance time brought you more things ... logic.

Fighting from one galley to another rocking in the waves...

sound like a completly different game....sound cool though. but i got rome total war if i want to play that :wink:
Whitmire said:
Quite on the contrary to what was said above, the Roman army wasn't limited to just a footman's shield, gladius and pilum, and cavalry (often foreign) became increasingly important in the later stages of the Roman Empire.

Oh absoloutely, cavalry played an important role, but the backbone of the armies (and thus what the player would expierience more often) is the infantry.

Setting the game in the decadence of the Fall of the Roman Empire would provide Romans with dozens of different enemy factions (not forgetting the enemy within) to fight against, each exotic in their own way, from Europe to Middle East and Africa. The Mediterranian area would be a great setting for a game, where the sea would be a lot more important than the one in Mount&Blade. Fighting from one galley to another rocking in the waves... Now that would be a unique experience. And let's not forget the Punic Wars where you can meet elephants in the Alps...

Now this is a much better idea, desperate senators paying you to hunt down barbarian raiders, becoming a Parthian mercenary etc. It would also, handily, reduce the scope from the entirety of the Empire to just the centre, Rome (possiblyl bring in the Byzantines?), itself.
Yeah, I mean, the weaponry's still in abundance: Clubs, bows, what-have-you, the occasional Imperial weapon making its way onto the market... I can't see how the format would be limited.

As for cavalry, it's great, yes, but hand-to-hand is brilliant too (only I hate it when you've a line of 8 people running after you, as it gets silly, but that's for another time)
In addition to legionaries, whose equipment and division varied a lot through time, the Roman army had auxiliaries, often foreign troops with their unique equipment. Cavalry, for example, consisted often of "barbarians" and formed a separate part of the army. In the later legions, cavalry played a more central role. Also, officers have been known to ride on horses or other mounts throughout history, so the player would still get to enjoy riding.

As to sea battles, they would be a bonus - not the main feature. The Roman tactic was basically to fight "land battles" on water, so it would not be difficult to simulate a boarding action between two galleys, for example.

But as I said, designing a new game is not topical. I'd like to see Mount&Blade released first. It has a lot of good potential - but it would fit a Roman setting very nicely! Or the Viking Age... Or a "Braveheart" scenario with William Wallace's war for independence (which has surely influenced M&B) where the player would be recruiting clans to fight the English... Or any one of the Crusades...

I do think that a historical setting would be nicer than a Fantastic one. Adventuring in the Highlands, for example, would be a lot more interesting than wandering in the outskirts of a place called Zendar. Also: this game has no magic! That's perfect when considering a historical scenario!

If you want more options, the late middle ages would provide even more variety in terms of interesting equipment. But I like the ~1000 A.D. setting I see in M&B.

The sequel should, of course, be Mount&Blade: Siege - taking warfare from raiding to capturing castles and perhaps even cities. :wink:
Mount&Blade: Siedge is too long.
Why not Mount&Ram? :grin:
As for cavalry, it's great, yes, but hand-to-hand is brilliant too (only I hate it when you've a line of 8 people running after you, as it gets silly, but that's for another time)
Hence my ideas for improvement of orders and adding formations.
Only the Ancient Romans, the ones who invaded the lands of my ancestors and stole everything they had. Bastards.
Let's try not to degrate the topic.

As many have pointed out there could me many different factions with many different kinds of units other then Rome, the horses can still be there since the Romans DID use cavalry, just not often and not as war winning units. Plus, there were many other nations during that time that fought predominantly on horseback, like Partha and Armenia.
Hia Musi Musi :razz:

A what if make "Mount and Blade : Warlords"
Japan and stuff like this. Go a bit asian way.
Make banch of different warlords bands. You play for one of them
And horse is more prevalet there.
What you guys think?
Heh, thread worthy of being 'redardolanded' :razz:
My proposal:
M&B:Russia :smile: Set in MA, of course.
Lotsa wars we can get into, and Russians in MA used horses almost exclusively, because just walking will get you nowhere - Russia is HUGE :smile:.
And tech levels are much higher then in Roman period, making it much more interesting to play.
But, all in all, let Armadan decide where to set his game :smile:.
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