Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

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Love the game, just beg you to give us lots of video options to make the game not so pretty, for the folks like me who love this game and love it especially for the fact taht we can run it on our not-so-super pcs. thanx! good luck to ya and keep up the great work!
Captain Lust said:
Suspicious Pilgrim said:

But anyway, whoever wrote that blog did it really professionally! Great job, I'm eager for more.
*coughs loudly*

YourStepDad said:
RafaelCruz said:
In b4 "the next Elderscrolls will be run in TW engine"


That is pretty much Skyrim level face quality. :razz:
I know that was intended as a compliment. However, besides the fact that everything you're seeing from us right now is a work in progress, I personally think the faces are better than Skyrim's (which seemed a little lifeless to me) but each to their own. Skyrim has its own style.


In any case, I don't think it's too important. They have their constraints and we have ours. As long as players are happy.

Yes i agree with your view on the graphics quality Captain Lust.
Skyrims vanilla shading and LOD is already nothing compared to yours, regardless of the art style (plus it seems you are at least making the textures 1920 x 1080, i hope 4k will be available like what Bathesda did later on). I am already more than happy with the work in progress and im sure when your artists/designers have reached their limits to their constraints the graphics will be superb.
I will how ever wonder what kind of GPU or perhaps even CPU will be required to run 400+ battles in full detail?
With that question i have to ask, will you be utilizing Hyper threading, Mantle, Physx, Tress FX ect?
Its no big deal, but i am wondering if you are intending to squeeze more juice out of specific hardware.
ok, ok i don't want to start some hardware/software war here, i would just like to see a decent discussion or at least have a mod reply to my questions.
James380 said:
ok, ok i don't want to start some hardware/software war here, i would just like to see a decent discussion or at least have a mod reply to my questions.
You want too much already, and technologies like Physx are usually ment for highly commercialized and propagated products to sell hardware and fly with the hype, i doubt that Nvidia would cooperate and support this franchise becouse they are not so much in the same business if you know what i mean.
I hope that TW won't focus too much on the graphics(there were many game studios and titles who have fallen becouse of this), ofcourse that some sort of not so much resources demanding improvement would be nice, but please don't make it the main attraction of this game.

Nice graphics are good for the initial wow effect but you won't notice them as much later on or in the heat of battle, and I would rather prefer smoother and visually clearer game experience(or at least an option to tone it down or turn it off, just like in warband).
Painter said:
James380 said:
ok, ok i don't want to start some hardware/software war here, i would just like to see a decent discussion or at least have a mod reply to my questions.
You want too much already, and technologies like Physx are usually ment for highly commercialized and propagated products to sell hardware and fly with the hype, i doubt that Nvidia would cooperate and support this franchise becouse they are not so much in the same business if you know what i mean.
I hope that TW won't focus too much on the graphics, ofcourse that some sort of not so much resources demanding improvement would be nice, but please don't make it the main attraction of this game.

Its not asking for too much, these guys aren't as small as you think and i don't expect any of this from them, nor do i want them to solely focus on graphics and nor will they.
Mantle is open source and does not require a partnership with AMD, but will favor AMD cards...which is what they lead us to believe, but we have yet to see the improvements, if any.
The support for Hyper Threading is up to Taleworlds, once again, no partnership is needed. I don't know too much about how the back end of this game works, but if they implement a way to utilize hyper threading i am hoping that the AI in large scale battles will run more efficiently (thats what i am assuming with no knowledge as to how it could work out).
Actually scratch the Hyper Threading, if Bannerlord can't efficiently utilize more than 4 cores then HT would be utterly pointless, so in that case: I hope bannerlord will utilize multiple CPU cores efficiently.
And while we are on it, I suppose Tress FX and PhysX is pretty pointless. Taleworlds physics engine is already "good enough" though i hope bannerlords will be better.
Mantle might be too much to expect since it is rather new, but PhysX could be very possible to add in as it has been used for a while. I reckon it might be a higher DirectX than 7 and 9. I'd probably predict 9 and 10/10.1 .
GlorvalhirSRB said:
About that poster on the wall...

Eagles ? Falcons ? YES ?!

Gulls? Buzzards? Vultures? The sky is the limit... or is it???

Yes, it says "mount and blade", but it doesn't specify the type of mount! :eek:

Same picture is also above the dual wielding guy, so it must be very official.

That hair does look a bit like Armagan's.

On the Bannerlord vs Skyrim point, M&B holds the crown for the best face generator of any game, so not only do the characters not look bland in a general sense, they have great individual character, which means a lot more than being able to see every eyelash or pore. The new faces are looking respectable, I'm sure a lot of us are looking forward to exploiting their sliders to min/max the crap out of them.

Really nice to have some more news, hope this blog thing happens again *soon*!
As a (since one month) proud owner of an AMD GPU, I would approve of Mantle being used. It sounds like a useful thing, I guess. :razz:

But who cares, anyways. The game is going to be great even without any fancy, codenamed or X-containing "bleeding-edge super-technologies", and I-do-love-putting-dashes-between-words, but even without these so-called hugely-beneficial thingies, I'm sure M&BII's going to be quite alright.
Meevar the Mighty said:
On the Bannerlord vs Skyrim point, M&B holds the crown for the best face generator of any game, so not only do the characters not look bland in a general sense, they have great individual character, which means a lot more than being able to see every eyelash or pore. The new faces are looking respectable, I'm sure a lot of us are looking forward to exploiting their sliders to min/max the crap out of them.

M&B and Warband heads were anatomically incorrect and had low detail level. M&B faces are hardly the "best". The new faces look very good though and I think I prefer them to Skyrim's.

Will all weapons behave as if they were perfectly straight? Take the scimitar for instance, in Warband one will be hit BEFORE the tip of it comes into contact with the target. Likewise axes cause damage when the SHAFT strikes, not the blade - will Bannerlord accurately model weapon hitboxes based on their model?

That there will interest me more than swaying hair!
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