
Here is the my FAQ for the Mount&Blade version 0.601.
Updated for 0.623
1. How to make a lot of money, and fast?
There are a few ways.
Join the army and perform 'supply' type quests. Even after the nerf in the later version, they are still very profitable.
Then, you can sell people into slavery - just get a blunt weapon and hunt down river pirates. You'll get 50 gold for each group you'll exterminate too, if you'll get appropriate quest in Zendar.
Unfortunately, you get equal price of 100 denars for all people you sell - no matter how strong they are. You can sell people in to the Zendar slave merchant and at the Salt mine.
Also, you can attack caravans and perform 'Hunt down riders' quest. It gives you decent amount of loot, but requires you to be a rather powerful warrior, or have a large entourage... or both.
And you can trade various commodities, by buying them in towns where they sell it cheapest, and selling for highest price. (Just ask a trader what caravans buy/sell here). Good skill in trading in a must. I'll post my list commodities and where they are sold/bought below.
2. Why my horse is so slow to run and turn?
Get your riding skill up, and get yourself a better horse.
3. I cannot find lord of Zendar.
He's not in yet. Will be fixed in the next version.
4. What about plot? Is there any?
Not yet. Armadan promised to make one in the full game, though.
5. When new version will come out
Armadan said that it will come out in about a week... therefore, it must be around 17 of April. Remember, it's approximate date. Stalker was promised to be released in 2003 at first
6. How do I get more then 24 arrows (20 bolts) for a fight?
You can sacrifice your defense/extra weapons for ammo by placing extra quivers into quick weapon slots.
Also, at the beginning of the combat, a chest is placed at your feet. You can access it by pressing 'use' key - and change empty quivers for full one, or change weapons if you need it.
7. What affects your map speed?
Here is an answer I got from Armadan:
You can negate penalties you gain by carrying a lot of stuff by placing extra horses in your inventory.
8. Where can I get a myself a companion?
To my knowledge, there are 2 companions:
Marnid, he's in the Zendar inn. Talk to him, and then provide him a padded armor. You can give him low-quality one - he wont object
Borcha, in the Rivacheg cell. Go to the lord of Rivacheg, talk to Borcha, then to lord, promise to deliver him, pay 500 denars. Then travel on the map a bit - he'll talk to you... then, you'll be able to free him and add to the list of your companions by talking to him. (From party screen)
There are may be more of them, but I'm yet to find them.
9. I keep getting surrounded and killed by enemies, and they seem to be attack thru each other!
After all the fixes, it still seems to be the case, but not so drastically... Perhaps later it will be fixed completely.
Also, I suggest to NOT to set your 'battle size' slider to the maximum (rightmost). That will make more enemies appear on the map at once, resulting in much harder battles. But if you crave for extra challenge - feel free.
10. What "Four ways inn" location is for?
It's incomplete, but works - if you'll tell your companion to depart you, he'll wait for you there, ready to be picked up.
11. How can I level up and equip my companions?
You can see and improve stats of "unique" companions like Marnid or Borcha by talking with them from party screen (on global map only, press P) and asking them to tell about themselves.
If you'll ask them to trade, you can sell them better equipment (but since they don't have money, be careful with what you give them - they'll not be able to pay for it, but charge you full price when you'll try to get it back), and they'll put it on (and mount horses) after next fight. Make sure you don't give them stuff they cannot use due to low stats/skills. Note: if you will give them a weapon they will not be able to use, they'll just stand around, doing nothing and even not responding to attacks.
Hirelings (you can get them in taverns, or rescue from enemies) will improve themselves with combat experience, and having "Trainer" skill will help it a lot... and 'Surgery' skill is crucial to keep them alive.
12. Are there any tips for combat strategy?
This: thread has a lot of suggestions for an archer.
Also look here, for melee combat tips:
13. Will we have multiplayer?
99.9% that you will have to wait for M&B2 for that feature.
14. What about modding tools for the game?
Armagan promised to release them in (hopefully, near) future.
N. I have not found an answer to my question here.
Search the forums first - there is a good chance it was answered already. If not - post it here. If it will appear often enough - I'll add it to the FAQ.
Also, if you will find typos/mistakes/incomplete info - also post it, and I'll correct it.
Here is my list of commodities and where they are sold of least price and bought for maximum price:
Sold in Praven.
Bought in Khudan.
Dried meat:
Sold in Rivacheg.
Bought in Veluca, Curaw.
Sold in Khudan.
Bought in Suno.
Sold in Uxkhal.
Bought in Tulga.
Sold in Suno.
Bought in Rivacheg.
Sold in Curaw.
Bought in Sargoth.
Sold in Halmar.
Bought in Jelkala
Sold in Sargoth.
Bought in Halmar.
Bought in Zendar.
Selling location seems to be bugged.
Bought at Salt mine.
Sold in Zendar.
Sold in Tulga.
Bought in Praven.
Smoked fish:
Sold in Wercheg.
Bought in Uxkhal.
Sold in Jelkala.
Bought in Reyvadin
Sold in Reyvadin.
Bought in Tihr.
Sold in Veluca.
Bought in Wercheg.
Updated for 0.623
1. How to make a lot of money, and fast?
There are a few ways.
Join the army and perform 'supply' type quests. Even after the nerf in the later version, they are still very profitable.
Then, you can sell people into slavery - just get a blunt weapon and hunt down river pirates. You'll get 50 gold for each group you'll exterminate too, if you'll get appropriate quest in Zendar.
Unfortunately, you get equal price of 100 denars for all people you sell - no matter how strong they are. You can sell people in to the Zendar slave merchant and at the Salt mine.
Also, you can attack caravans and perform 'Hunt down riders' quest. It gives you decent amount of loot, but requires you to be a rather powerful warrior, or have a large entourage... or both.
And you can trade various commodities, by buying them in towns where they sell it cheapest, and selling for highest price. (Just ask a trader what caravans buy/sell here). Good skill in trading in a must. I'll post my list commodities and where they are sold/bought below.
2. Why my horse is so slow to run and turn?
Get your riding skill up, and get yourself a better horse.
3. I cannot find lord of Zendar.
He's not in yet. Will be fixed in the next version.
4. What about plot? Is there any?
Not yet. Armadan promised to make one in the full game, though.
5. When new version will come out
Armadan said that it will come out in about a week... therefore, it must be around 17 of April. Remember, it's approximate date. Stalker was promised to be released in 2003 at first
6. How do I get more then 24 arrows (20 bolts) for a fight?
You can sacrifice your defense/extra weapons for ammo by placing extra quivers into quick weapon slots.
Also, at the beginning of the combat, a chest is placed at your feet. You can access it by pressing 'use' key - and change empty quivers for full one, or change weapons if you need it.
7. What affects your map speed?
Here is an answer I got from Armadan:
Also, it seems that maximum speed you can have is 8, + bonuses from Pathfinding skill and Riding skill if on horse, and Athletics if on foot. Actual horse speed does not seem to affect it.Current model for computing party map speed finds average speed in party and minimum speed in party, and then takes the average of these two numbers. Just taking the minimum speed wouldn't be fair because say if you have 10 horsemen and one footman, you can assume one of the footman would ride with one of the horsemen instead of slowing down the whole party to walking speed.
You can negate penalties you gain by carrying a lot of stuff by placing extra horses in your inventory.
8. Where can I get a myself a companion?
To my knowledge, there are 2 companions:
Marnid, he's in the Zendar inn. Talk to him, and then provide him a padded armor. You can give him low-quality one - he wont object
Borcha, in the Rivacheg cell. Go to the lord of Rivacheg, talk to Borcha, then to lord, promise to deliver him, pay 500 denars. Then travel on the map a bit - he'll talk to you... then, you'll be able to free him and add to the list of your companions by talking to him. (From party screen)
There are may be more of them, but I'm yet to find them.
9. I keep getting surrounded and killed by enemies, and they seem to be attack thru each other!
After all the fixes, it still seems to be the case, but not so drastically... Perhaps later it will be fixed completely.
Also, I suggest to NOT to set your 'battle size' slider to the maximum (rightmost). That will make more enemies appear on the map at once, resulting in much harder battles. But if you crave for extra challenge - feel free.
10. What "Four ways inn" location is for?
It's incomplete, but works - if you'll tell your companion to depart you, he'll wait for you there, ready to be picked up.
11. How can I level up and equip my companions?
You can see and improve stats of "unique" companions like Marnid or Borcha by talking with them from party screen (on global map only, press P) and asking them to tell about themselves.
If you'll ask them to trade, you can sell them better equipment (but since they don't have money, be careful with what you give them - they'll not be able to pay for it, but charge you full price when you'll try to get it back), and they'll put it on (and mount horses) after next fight. Make sure you don't give them stuff they cannot use due to low stats/skills. Note: if you will give them a weapon they will not be able to use, they'll just stand around, doing nothing and even not responding to attacks.
Hirelings (you can get them in taverns, or rescue from enemies) will improve themselves with combat experience, and having "Trainer" skill will help it a lot... and 'Surgery' skill is crucial to keep them alive.
12. Are there any tips for combat strategy?
This: thread has a lot of suggestions for an archer.
Also look here, for melee combat tips:
13. Will we have multiplayer?
99.9% that you will have to wait for M&B2 for that feature.
14. What about modding tools for the game?
Armagan promised to release them in (hopefully, near) future.
N. I have not found an answer to my question here.
Search the forums first - there is a good chance it was answered already. If not - post it here. If it will appear often enough - I'll add it to the FAQ.
Also, if you will find typos/mistakes/incomplete info - also post it, and I'll correct it.
Here is my list of commodities and where they are sold of least price and bought for maximum price:
Sold in Praven.
Bought in Khudan.
Dried meat:
Sold in Rivacheg.
Bought in Veluca, Curaw.
Sold in Khudan.
Bought in Suno.
Sold in Uxkhal.
Bought in Tulga.
Sold in Suno.
Bought in Rivacheg.
Sold in Curaw.
Bought in Sargoth.
Sold in Halmar.
Bought in Jelkala
Sold in Sargoth.
Bought in Halmar.
Bought in Zendar.
Selling location seems to be bugged.
Bought at Salt mine.
Sold in Zendar.
Sold in Tulga.
Bought in Praven.
Smoked fish:
Sold in Wercheg.
Bought in Uxkhal.
Sold in Jelkala.
Bought in Reyvadin
Sold in Reyvadin.
Bought in Tihr.
Sold in Veluca.
Bought in Wercheg.