Mount & Blade deserves a PLANET!

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Hello people,

I love M&B and I really want it to succeed (as I think you all do)
I was thinking, how can we spread the word and give more publicity to the game.

I think that we can do it together, as a community, by making a fansite, and not just a fansite, a fansite that will be called Planet Mount&Blade!

Some of you already guess what I'm talking about,
GameSpy, a large gaming network, is hosting a lot of sites, each dedicated to a game or genre, the hosting is free , but there are some requirements...
Our site obivously can't be a "Planet" site right away, but it can be hosted under is the hosting FAQ at RPGplanet.

I think it's a good idea, e-mailed Armagan, and he confirmed it's a good idea.

I think it has to be sort of a community project, I'm sure that some people here have experience in making sitesweb design etc' and if we'll work together we can make a good site preety fast.

Please, if your doing to have somebody host the site, choose somebody OTHER than Gamespy. I despise them.
I'm not saying we HAVE to host the site at gamespy,
but what other gaming-networks do you know???

I'm proposing the idea to spread the game, not gamespy...

By the way, I think a good idea is to sticky this thread, at least for some time...
Well, if you wanted the most publicity, gamespy would be the way to go. You would get good hosting and advertising from them.

I've run a lot of fansites in the past, usually as the admin, so I could always help if you need me. Im pretty good with PHP, MySQL, HTML, etc, and I can be an admin or moderate forums.

Lets hope we can work something out to help Mount and Blade :grin:
Exellent! This is a good way to spear people about this Mount and Blade game, thus giving overhwhelming support to these developer of Mount and Blade!

However, I also see this as an opprunity to have ppl joining these developer to make this team alot bigger, thus allowing them to have more resources with more effort to improve this game so vastly.

I am so impressed by way these developer team have accomplished with these game, while I'm giving a hat off to these team!

Now, everyone start working togther as team, and set this up ASAP, while this team and game definely deserved to be known all around world about this game!


Eagle out...
mmm... i think it might be prudent to wait at least till the mod tools are released and we start having stuff to actually put on the site. A gamespy affiliated fansite is likely to draw fewer hardcore and more casual gamers who might be easily bored with M&B as it is right now. I would say let's not attract the masses till we can keep them with some diverse and interesting content additions.
Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your

Johnathan, you're nuts...

I like it :lol:

What, this forum isnt enough?

I hate the idea, ths is already an fansite basiccly, we dont need another one

Are you sure this is a fansite???

A fansite is a site built and run by the fans,
this is the official site for the game, fun by the deveoper of the game...

More fansites = more publicity = more money = more updates.

You're absolutely right, ShangTang.

mmm... i think it might be prudent to wait at least till the mod tools are released and we start having stuff to actually put on the site. A gamespy affiliated fansite is likely to draw fewer hardcore and more casual gamers who might be easily bored with M&B as it is right now. I would say let's not attract the masses till we can keep them with some diverse and interesting content additions.

The game is moddable right now too,
of course it will be more moddable when the tools will be out...

But making a site will take time, and maybe we'll complete it after the tools will be out...

Yeap. That is exactly what we don't need: masses judging an unfinished game.

What do you think is happening right now?
I think that the "masses" quite like it... :smile:
i respectfully disagree. I don't think the community on this site is representative of the gaming community at large. I'd say that most of us are more old school in that we appreciate substance over style, and we see the amazing potential that this game has. Now that we have a dedicated artist working on revamping many graphical aspects of M&B, I think the wisest choice would be to let him finish his work, or at least get a couple updates out, so if and when M&B stops being underground and starts getting aimed at the general gaming public, they won't immediately disregard it because it's not as purty as the other games out there.

As for the modding aspect... yes, it is moddable right now, to a very limited degree. You can mess around with hex values to increase damage and whatnot, and you can mess with some of the textures, and make certain groups attackable or hire-able. However... If we have this big old planet site, and the only content we have is a couple re-skins and an instagib mod... frankly, that's not going to impress people. On top of that, Armagan's style is not to hold our hands by posting constant *this-is-what-i-did-today-and-this-is-what-i'm-going-to-release-tomorrow* updates, because he likes to surprise us a bit. And that's awesome. But it won't make for a lively news section of a big planet website. Once the mod tools come out, and mods and conversions start appearing, then that nice big website can be filled with reviews of mods, profiles of works in progress, and all sorts of good stuff like that.

Don't get me wrong... I love the idea of getting M&B more publicity, and I think a planet site could be a good way to do that. I just believe that at this point in time, the game is not polished enough to hold the attention of the mainstream 30-second attention span casual gamer, but it will be soon, and I would wait for that time to specifically target them. At that point, I'm behind this 100%!
What do you think is happening right now?
I think that the "masses" quite like it...
Well what I have observed some of the players out there tend to judge games too harshly. There has been one person (whose name I shall not say out loud) on these forums that judges MB like an already finished game (which I hope MB isn't). But let's hope I am a paranoid person, suspecting the capability of normal gamer to understand the wonderfulness of MB... let's hope so.
Murka said:
I'm not saying we HAVE to host the site at gamespy,
but what other gaming-networks do you know???

Maybe the gaming network at TWC would help (Total War center, Rome Total war...) They have several different branches if I am not mistaken.

Unfortunately they have a bit of a security problem, they were just hacked twice. But really soon it will be solved, and the set up they have is excellent.
I've seen it a few times, my brother is a member. It's quite nice actually. Hows the hosting? who does it? restrictons?

Perhaps you could give some more info? That would be great. :smile:
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