Mount & Blade Cheats

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An old salt from the mainland
To enable cheat mode in Mount&Blade, simply check the 'cheats' box in the 'game' tab of the configure menu, accessible from the pre-game loader.


Note for older beta versions: To enable cheats in .751 and earlier versions of M&B,  you first need to open the rgl_config.txt file in the
installation folder (by default C:\Program Files\Mount&Blade)
You then need to change the line:

cheat_mode = 0
cheat_mode = 1
After this, save the file and exit.

With cheat mode enabled, when you launch Mount&Blade the following cheats will be available to you:

Ctrl key + X in inventory screen: + 1000 Denarii. (Deactivated in trial version)

Ctrl key + X in character screen: + 1000 XP. (Deactivated in trial version)

Ctrl key + X in party screen: Gives a selected troop a certain amount of experience -- one or two of these is enough to upgrade most troops to the next tier. (Deactivated in trial version)

Ctrl key + W in character screen: Adds points to each weapon proficiency, depending on the amount already there and the level of weapon master skill of your character.

Ctrl key + H in any scene: Restore full health to player

Ctrl key + T on map: Toggles 'Truesight', which allows you to see every party on the map.

Ctrl key + left click on map: Instantly transports your party to anywhere on the map.

Ctrl key + F3 in a scene (battle or otherwise): Does heavy damage to the player, enough to kill him immediately in most cases.

Ctrl key + F4 in battle: Does heavy damage to a random enemy, enough to kill him immediately in most cases.

Ctrl key + Shift key + F4 in battle: Does heavy damage to all enemies, enough to kill them immediately in most cases.

Ctrl key + F5 in a scene (battle or otherwise): Switch player to AI control (AI takes over).

Ctrl key + F9 in a scene (battle or otherwise): Toggles slow-motion on and off.

Ctrl key + F11 in a scene (battle or otherwise): Pauses and unpauses the game.

You can apply the XP and weapon proficiency cheats to NPC party members (e. g. Marnid, Borcha, Klethi). To do so you need to open their character screens (talk to the NPC and select "tell me about yourself")

WARNING: The use of cheats has been demonstrated again and again to greatly decrease the fun and longevity of the game — use at your own risk.
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