Mount&Blade article up at

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Hey, just dropped in to say that the article finally landed at Etoychest. I apologize, Armagon, for the delay, but please understand that Pre-E3 is a really, really busy time for all of us.

I hope all of you like it!
nice article, seems to be a typo at the beggining though ",a nd"

never knew armagan made enough money to quit his job, im glad ive supported him... now get to work slave :razz:
Tarranon said:
Hey, just dropped in to say that the article finally landed at Etoychest. I apologize, Armagon, for the delay, but please understand that Pre-E3 is a really, really busy time for all of us.

I hope all of you like it!

I enjoyed the article and hope that others will investigate and come to enjoy Mount&Blade as much (or more) as we all do.
Yes, a good article. A slow steady stream of them will keep the game in public view. That's a good way to build interest. Then, closer to full release we begin the second round of articles.
Well, this was a great read! And im sure it will bring more people to the M&B fever!! :smile:

Great for you Armagan and Ipek!! Glad you can make a living by doing what you most like! Congratz!
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