Alv Vatzdal
I tried to find a simple way to play a less chauvenistic version of Mount and Blade Warband and finally found it, so hope someone have use for this info and that the google spiders find the thread:
The solution is simple. If you got Vikings Conquest and wish the map was larger (and wanted a female start, but needed a fief), then you can download: Anno Domini 1257: install and choose it from "modules" in the start menu of M&B.
You can chose female from the start, choose noble and you get a standard and a fief from whomever you want to play as, of the bewildering number of states mid 1200 AD. You can also build a whole range of buildings in your fief and production facilities in other cities. So for you that are girls or are used to playing as females in RPG games, this is a solution I didn't find on Google.
If you want 999 men and 1 female on the field at once, install: Warband Battle Sizer and put it up to 1000 NPC's in one battle: Heavy duty PC required if you put the Sizer on 1000, I almost crash even if I turn graphics to low, with no shaders, in battles with 700 I've been in. It helps to look away from the enourmous number of troops too, to prevent crash, and I got 16GB RAM and a 4 core CPU.
However all is not perfect. Despite having just won the tournament in Paris, I'm joining a feast in Paris the same time, and only 2 of all in France have said "yes, maybe". Also it seem like the original on feasts, with the lords bringing their young female children for marriage. It's out of the question to be lesbian, as in Dragon Age, but this is suppoused to be historically correct. So a man it have to be in marriage:
Why do the chauvenists always look so good? He said he wanted a quiet wife. Of the 2 that might say yes, I've settled on this cute one, then take his property and control him to expand my beginning kingdom:
Will update with screenshot of wedding, map with property and info about what I might manipulate this cutie to do. This is an option one does not have as man.
I tried to find a simple way to play a less chauvenistic version of Mount and Blade Warband and finally found it, so hope someone have use for this info and that the google spiders find the thread:
The solution is simple. If you got Vikings Conquest and wish the map was larger (and wanted a female start, but needed a fief), then you can download: Anno Domini 1257: install and choose it from "modules" in the start menu of M&B.
You can chose female from the start, choose noble and you get a standard and a fief from whomever you want to play as, of the bewildering number of states mid 1200 AD. You can also build a whole range of buildings in your fief and production facilities in other cities. So for you that are girls or are used to playing as females in RPG games, this is a solution I didn't find on Google.
If you want 999 men and 1 female on the field at once, install: Warband Battle Sizer and put it up to 1000 NPC's in one battle: Heavy duty PC required if you put the Sizer on 1000, I almost crash even if I turn graphics to low, with no shaders, in battles with 700 I've been in. It helps to look away from the enourmous number of troops too, to prevent crash, and I got 16GB RAM and a 4 core CPU.
However all is not perfect. Despite having just won the tournament in Paris, I'm joining a feast in Paris the same time, and only 2 of all in France have said "yes, maybe". Also it seem like the original on feasts, with the lords bringing their young female children for marriage. It's out of the question to be lesbian, as in Dragon Age, but this is suppoused to be historically correct. So a man it have to be in marriage:
Why do the chauvenists always look so good? He said he wanted a quiet wife. Of the 2 that might say yes, I've settled on this cute one, then take his property and control him to expand my beginning kingdom:
Will update with screenshot of wedding, map with property and info about what I might manipulate this cutie to do. This is an option one does not have as man.