Mount and Blade Video

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Having played this game for a week or two now i decided to attempt creating a few videos, I used VideoMach and Fraps to grab+encode.

This is the first of many that i have finished encoding, enjoy

The quality is a little messed and there are short stutters due to my non registered version of fraps allowing only 30 seconds of recording. Its not terribly exiting but i wanted to show different aspects of M & B gameplay, this is one of the smaller videos.


Second Video, a little larger this time. Another example of unmounted combat, which is extremely overrated. Shows how a very small group of unarmoured and badly armed holy men can be just as effective as an army of nights!
While I think a video for showing off gameplay features is a really good idea, I think this first video doesn't quite capture the essense of M&B combat.

Don't get me wrong, the quality is fine and the music's suitable (and I certainly couldn't make one myself), but you're watching a half-naked lady on foot slaughtering peasants with a halberd :grin:

While this shows you're good at melee combat, I'd personally prefer a more conservative angle: Starting off with a 380 degree panorama view of you and your knight companions (fully dressed :smile: ), lances held high and looking down at the advancing enemy from a hilltop. You give the order to Charge! and watch the parties clash violently with couched lances, swords, axes, bolts and arrows flying... death, destruction, war and horror - that kind of thing:smile:.

May not be very original, but it might attract new players :smile: Looking forward to seeing more videos.
I have around 20GB of M and B footage in my fraps folder now, its quite difficult to go through it all and these two videos were near the end plus they contained only a few clips. I had hoped to put lots of diverse clips all together in one video however rendering time and the problem of hosting made me decide to split them up. Rest assured i have plenty of traditional battle footage plus some archery and arena action that i will be encoding shortly.
Half-naked lady? That was no lady that was my wife. I can't remember which Jewish comedian used to tell that joke. Buddy Hackett or Rodney Dangerfield maybe.
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