Mount and blade freezes

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Hi everyone.
first of all mount and blade is a really great game and im hooked with it!
but Ive got a big problem
whenever I start playing after about 4 min it freezes and my pc reboots. :evil:
I tried everything.. I played quick battle, campaing, tutorial.. It still freezes for about 1 min and then reboots.
i am playing on full graphics but thats not the prob my pc has the requierments needed.. Im desperate i dont know what to do. I googled it but i didnt find anythin.
Here are my specs: Intel dual core 2 2.8ghz - nvidia geforce 8500gt - intel motherboard - 2 gb of ram..

is it a memory leak..??:/
pls try to help i really want to play this game
Also i purchased it from steam.

thanks in advance :smile:
You might be over-loading the video ram with things like excessive shadows/corpses/troops on the field.  Those various settings that have values like '5/10/20/40/unlimited' are the ones to focus on, try dropping a few and ensure none are set to unlimited.  See if by reducing them it allows you to at least play longer if not continously, that'd at least home on the issue if you notice a change.

Edit:  I wanted to also say that the only situations I encounter these days where a computer does a solid reboot is when the video driver collapses entirely and that's usually due to the card getting over worked and quitting.  May consider a different driver, the latest is not always the greatest unfortunately and its more trial and error to find one that works for you and the games you tend to play.
ok m8 ill try dropping theese.
i have to admit i didnt try dropping the settings to low levels caz i played 3 or 4 days without a problem
anyway ill try and get back to you the results

so I tried with the settings
I put texture detail to 80 and antiallising from 0 to x4 and guess what..
it worked!
at least it freezed after playing 3-4 hours
anyway then I put antiallising to 0 again and it freezed from the first minute
now i am playing with 2x antiallising and it didnt stucked yet!
finally i can enjoy this stunning game!!
Heh, well good stuff then :smile:  Odd that the Nvidia card preferred AA enabled, that's usually ATI's stronger suite but sweet that it works out for you.
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