Open Mound and blade warband'ın native modulünü atın/Discard local module of mound and blade warband

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TR: Bana Mound&Blade warband'ın native modülünü atın (1.174)
vuruş animasyonu modu yükledim ancak native modülünü kopyalamayı unuttum. oyunu baştan yüklemek istemiyorum 1.174 sürümünün native modülünü atarmısınız lütfen?
EN: Take me the native module of Mound & Blade warband (1.174)
I installed the hit animation mod but forgot to copy the native module. I don't want to reload the game. Can you please assign the native module of 1.174 version?
You can verify the game files through Steam to make sure you download all the missing files. Please note that we can't be responsible on any technical issues that may come up while playing a modded game.
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