Motion Sickness

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Just got the game for fun, and I was fighting tournaments for about 2 hours today and got motion sickness! Does anyone else have problems like that?
I guess I'll have to go out of town on trading missions or something to get my equilibrium back.

hehe, i just got that today, i had my full army of knights charging searaiders and i was right in there, i dont think the the sky was visible....

Equilibrium, i was just discussing that word today, its also a damn good Flatland Bmx Frame made by FBM (wish i could get one)

I get motion sickness from some FPS games. I couldnt play Soldier of Fortune. Half-life 2 gets me a little too so I only play in short doses. Ive never felt it playing mount and blade though. If a game is 3d and simulates the wobble of footsteps I usually stay away.

Odd that ive sailed the atlantic from top to bottom and worked as a fisherman in alaska yet FPS games sometimes make me want to puke.
Most 3d fps games make me carsick, especially the original doom game. I can't watch it for too long before I get very sick and have to lay down and close my eyes or get the heck out of the room.

Most 3d fps games make me at least a little carsick, but some games I've been able to overcome that like Deus Ex, could it be that I was so interested in the plot, compared to something like Doom?

M&B has not caused me much problems, but my eyes get a bit strained when I have something running in the background and my framerates drop down to way below 30fps. Without background programs running, my fps is about 130fps, and rarely feel my eyes straining to see details as I'm riding around.
i've found that only very detailed or, conversely, low-polygon [umm, what is the plural of fps?] make me nauseus. the detailed ones i think are from the whole realistic movement thing. i can't explain why low polygon ones make me puke though. has anyone here ever played turok 2 for a couple hours, then kneeled over the toilet for half an hour? thankfully, i'm fine with m&b. also, though i can't say i've been an alaskan fisherman, i don't get seasickness either. i think one condition is based on the inner ear, while the other is based on the brain's interpretation of sight. so the two aren't really related
I got sick when I was playing a game (or surfing mah forae(!)) and was really tired and really hot, and listened to Marilyn Manson's "Beautiful People" with my new stereo speakers turned way up. I went out of the room, layed down on the couch, and then Breaking Benjamin came on, so I had to go back. :grin:
While i dont get realy car sickness i do get the "WOOOHOOOOOO" feeling in my stomach when jumping,falling,driving from high places in most games.
I've never got nauseous from playing a FPS, and there have been times where I played one FPS for some 8 hours straight, at least.

On the other hand, I can't get on a boat, or I'll puke myself all over countless times. There is a place in my country that has 9 islands not very far from each other, and one time I went there on vacations, and visited a lot of the islands always travelling by boat between islands... little less than 1 hour trips through high sea... If I remembered correctly, my record was around puking 10 times in a row in a single trip.

So I'd say one doesn't have much to do with the other too. From personal experience.
iv got it a few times playing this. Just as you ride past someone and swing the axe or sword of war your whole body moves with it lol.

still get the feeling that your circling on the horse or turning when im not playin the game
Ive never got sick from any game. And on occasion I have played game's (action game's to) for up to 20 hours straight lol. And never got sick.

Although i get car sick if im in a car for more then 2-3 hour's. And a little sick in plane's.
20 hours straight!!! wow man i cant play for more than a couple hours before my eyes hurt...u hear about those japanese guys that played for like 8 days straight never stopped playing and died from starvation
I've never gotten sick from playing a game, but I do end up moving my head while driving things in games (ie turn horse right, head leans right), especially the planes in Battlefield 1942. It's rather strange.
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