Summary: The game crashes whenever I have motion blur whether it is BEFORE the game starts or DURING the game when I turn around.
How to Reproduce: Put motion blur off and then your game crashes. *Tested it out literally 10 times*
Scene Name (if related): Literally ANY map I have loaded into has crashed when I had motion blur, but to be exact, port at omor, trading post, and xauna have all crashed when I loaded in. But the minute I put back motion blur my game suddenly
Media (Screenshots & Video): Did not take any but the white message saying something about the files pops out sometimes. Either way I do not need a screenshot as this has happened solely for the reason of having motion blur OFF. Screenshots for this problem would do no good as this is not an issue gameplay wise like spear hitboxes or whatnot.
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10 Pro
GPU: GTX 1070
GPU Driver Version:
CPU: Intel core i7 3770 3.40 GH
RAM: 16 GB
Motherboard: Intel corporation B75
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): 1 terabyte Hard drive and 1 terabyte SSD
How to Reproduce: Put motion blur off and then your game crashes. *Tested it out literally 10 times*
Scene Name (if related): Literally ANY map I have loaded into has crashed when I had motion blur, but to be exact, port at omor, trading post, and xauna have all crashed when I loaded in. But the minute I put back motion blur my game suddenly
Media (Screenshots & Video): Did not take any but the white message saying something about the files pops out sometimes. Either way I do not need a screenshot as this has happened solely for the reason of having motion blur OFF. Screenshots for this problem would do no good as this is not an issue gameplay wise like spear hitboxes or whatnot.
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10 Pro
GPU: GTX 1070
GPU Driver Version:
CPU: Intel core i7 3770 3.40 GH
RAM: 16 GB
Motherboard: Intel corporation B75
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): 1 terabyte Hard drive and 1 terabyte SSD