I will never forget my first time shooting the cannons during a NA Friday LB. I was found and recruited by the infamous Bauer, which was on a Tuesday, and within two days they decided to apply for artillery and have me shoot the cannons that Friday (Keep in mind I downloaded the mod two days before Tuesday, and barely knew anything about the mod). My expression was mostly (o.o), and then I found out I was up against Joshly (at the time a name i didn't know :p) and was told he is the best cannon shooter in the game (at least on NA side). My expression kinda turned into this: (O.O).
Sure enough, Friday comes around and we are on Trenches getting ready. With all the pressure I was pretty nervous but way more excited. Then, all of a sudden the game was on. The first map was a Desert Map (Large), and this map was particularly large and particularly laggy. Our spawn was right next to a huge sand hill on the left, and we had a great view of the map. Once it was live, we set up and was ready to fire. I take my first shot, as a range check, and my range was low (not having much of an idea on the actual distance across this huge map, it was difficult to measure how high I had to aim). Once I actually got the range right, it would usually take the cannonball around 5 - 7 seconds to actually reach the destination after firing. At around my third or fourth shot was the most memorable incident in this mod:
I see a nice and pretty line, moving about Joshly's cannons, and they decide to move to the right flank, passing through the sandy hills between the two factions. They take a stop at one of the hills and start firing on our ally lines. Bauer calls out to me in TS, "Line on our right, see it?". I respond with a simple "Got it". I turn the cannon toward the line and line up the distance, taking careful aim and enduring patience while Bauer attempts to rush me into firing before the line moves. Once my shot is lined up, I wait a second before firing. I hold my breath and fire the cannon. After I fire, the TS is completely silent. Me and my guys watch as the cannonball leaves the barrel, and Bauer keeps stating "Looks good, it is looking good". Every second was full of tension and built up pressure, and 4 seconds later, I hear a familiar smack as 5 enemies are taken down in my first hit of the LB. With that, the TS lights up, everyone is cheering, and the specific emotions that I had are almost indescribable (But i will try to describe it anyway).
Basically with me holding my breath for those 5 seconds, I was tense, focused, and extremely nervous (in fact, I just recalled myself shivering uncontrollably the whole time, the pressure was unnerving). Once I got that shot, it just released, I started to laugh hysterically and it felt as if my heart exploded with love and joy. Most of my body was tingling and I lost all the pressure that I previously had.
And from that point, I just kept making shot after shot, racking up a score of 23 - 1 on my first LB ever, and my first time shooting cannons during an LB. That is one of the most memorable moments of my time in MM, and with Smithy and the guys, there are countless others.