The game's AI does its share of unreal "cheating" too, as I'm sure everyone has examples of. I can remember being badly wounded in a siege assault and trying to hide behind a huge rock, the size of a house, while my troops continued the assault. I heard the arrow sound constantly as every laser guided, heat seeking, infra-red wielding archer in the garrison just knew the commander was hiding there, somehow, and they never missed, their arrows even went completely through that huge rock and finished me off. Same occasionally on some of those redoubts that enemy archers are in, and are sniping your troops in the back, which they never seem to notice as they keep pressing forward in one direction. Clean one of those out, and you're marked by every other archer in the garrison, even on the other side where they cant see you, and their arrows penetrate the walls and hardly ever miss.Hi-tech electronics in their arrows I guess.Or another of my favorites, when you're pushing that siege engine and enemy troops "leak" through it and the walls of the garrison and start cutting your troops down, they just stand there stupidly and die, no matter if you give them orders to attack or not, they don't seem to recognize enemies outside of the castle in these cases , before the siege engine reaches the walls. There are times I wished the game would let you put enemy archers' heads on pikes when their AI cheats so badly, always hitting the commander ( they know who to knock out from a 2 kilometer range) at a full gallop all the way across the map. Their weaponry could be fitted in a modern fighter aircraft if its consistently that accurate.