Most Hated Unit

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I hate the squires from all the factions.  They're such pansies.  I swear I saw a Sarleon squire riding into battle with a dagger? 
I hate laying siege to Empire holdings. Why...?

The Legionnaire.

These medium/short range troops are cheap, and plentiful. A thrown spear usually knocks me off a latter, and when I finally reach them, it takes more than a couple whacks with an axe to put them down.

Beerleader said:
I hate laying siege to Empire holdings. Why...?

The Legionnaire.

These medium/short range troops are cheap, and plentiful. A thrown spear usually knocks me off a latter, and when I finally reach them, it takes more than a couple whacks with an axe to put them down.

He, he! You should try storming a Sarleon stronghold. Those hellish villains of halberdiers make pain take a new meaning.
All D'Shar/Jatu horse archers. I hate them for their speed, shooting and riding and riding to catch them.

What about demonic warriors? Aren't they irritating, when third time i hit one with couched lance and his still alive?
Well, since I´m usually going with Ravenstern I´ve got to deal with Valkyries a lot more often than with Demonic Warriors ;P Not to mention Vs filthy habit to head-jarid me over half the map into the back of my brasscan at riding at full speed in semi circles....

Thus why they´re my alltime favourite for PoP´s most hated unit.
I hate the halbediers and to a lesser extent pikemen, they aren't the worst by any means but annoy me absurdly. Mainly for the 'haha, Sardan's gonna ride you down, stupid running-about man! What?! Man... Oh well. Haha, I'm gonna ride you down stupid running-about man! WHAT?! *Reload*' factor.
noosers said:
Well, since I´m usually going with Ravenstern I´ve got to deal with Valkyries a lot more often than with Demonic Warriors ;P Not to mention Vs filthy habit to head-jarid me over half the map into the back of my brasscan at riding at full speed in semi circles....

Thus why they´re my alltime favourite for PoP´s most hated unit.

Valkiries are annoying but easy to unhorse. But Ravenstern rangers are a real menace. Didn't realize it before cause I too follow the Ravenstern pendon. But sometimes go with other factions and every time rangers are on the other side, they are the annoyance to beat.
lancer63 said:
noosers said:
Well, since I´m usually going with Ravenstern I´ve got to deal with Valkyries a lot more often than with Demonic Warriors ;P Not to mention Vs filthy habit to head-jarid me over half the map into the back of my brasscan at riding at full speed in semi circles....

Thus why they´re my alltime favourite for PoP´s most hated unit.

Valkiries are annoying but easy to unhorse. But Ravenstern rangers are a real menace. Didn't realize it before cause I too follow the Ravenstern pendon. But sometimes go with other factions and every time rangers are on the other side, they are the annoyance to beat.

Agreed.. I have found that this engine really favors the mounted horse archer, especially if they are armored.  One reason that the Jatu, despite being medium cavalry are so dangerous. 

I am willing to bet that after a few months post Pop 2.0 release the Order of the Clarion Call will be one of the most desired Honor troops as they are essentially heavy cavalry with bows.  They will combine the speed, armor, and hitting power that are almost equal of the mounted Noldor knights.

SXIII said:
Are they more expensive to upkeep?

No, less.

The Mounted Noldor Knights level 60 with mount and the Clarion Call Rangers are level 45 with mount. 
The Noldor knights are have higher str and agil.  Slightly better armor for themselves, not as good as for their horses.  The Noldor Knights are faster and hit a bit harder. 

Then there is the fourth tier Noldor unit that is introduced in pop 2.0.  Called Twilight Knights.  Found with the two signature spawns as strong 100-400 man warbands of death dealing delight.  I think as regular troop units, they are one of the top two or three units in the game. 


I think that cavalry would loose some of its edge if there was possibilty to brace spear/pike on foot if your not moving: like a coach but they have to ride on you. Pikemens would be feared by cavalry and finally walking around on foot with spear would make sense.
Taro8 said:
I think that cavalry would loose some of its edge if there was possibilty to brace spear/pike on foot if your not moving: like a coach but they have to ride on you. Pikemens would be feared by cavalry and finally walking around on foot with spear would make sense.

Can't agree with you more. But mounted archers too have the nasty habit of charging infantry lines or other charging horsemen and that is the main cause of casualties in my ranks.
I don't think they're stupid, just too enthusiastic.  :roll: :lol:
Pretty much all top tier units are a pain in the ass to me, Horse archers used to be my bane, but ever since I've had to protect my fief on the border of the D'Shar I've learned to crush them. My mostly cavalry based army charges their lines and when they are running around they can't fight effectively because they are being pursued by equal or superior numbers. Can't tell you how many times I've been lucky to fend off entire expeditions by myself, it's a good thing they are not good siegers, and when they are knocked down to my numbers they become fodder.

Taro8 said:
I think that cavalry would loose some of its edge if there was possibilty to brace spear/pike on foot if your not moving: like a coach but they have to ride on you. Pikemens would be feared by cavalry and finally walking around on foot with spear would make sense.,61051.0.html

Spear bracing kit by Merc, used in Native Expansion. One of the best things for Mount & Blade ever in my opinion. No more "I have a horse! I am immortal!

It also puts some decent use into a spear/shield combination, which normally sucks.
As a rule of engagement I use my lance for couched charge only once. That under the assumption that the lance will either break or bend from the impact or that it will be stuck on the body of the enemy it kills. After that my 2h sword or axe and my bow and arrows do the talking.
But that is just me and know that is just a small measure to make things a bit more realistic.
Yeah same goes for me.
I also stop using my lance after I hit something. It cant be possible to keep a intact lance in your arm after you couched another rider in full speed towards each other.
Funny thing is that the same rule should apply to other weapons and horses too. For instance, when you hit a tree at full gallop the horse simply stops dead on its tracks rears and whines. In real life either you and the horse would be smeared all over the tree or, in any case, the steed suddenly stops and you become a very strange decoration for the tree.
Have you noticed how you can hit an enemy standing on the opposite side of a tree or a rock, wall or battlement? Or how no matter how hard you try you can`t hit a friendly unit with your sword?
These are all part of the game's mechanics and help it make it more 'playable'. Just like the fact that you can never die in native and most mods, and don't have to start over after being killed at level 7!!, which is very much ok with me. Otherwise I'd quit playing M&B a couple of months after purchase. Much like what happens to most other games I buy btw. Best 12 bucks I ever spent 4 years ago.
The game's AI does its share of unreal "cheating" too, as I'm sure everyone has examples of. I can remember being badly wounded in a siege assault and trying to hide behind a huge rock, the size of a house, while my troops continued the assault. I heard the arrow sound constantly as every laser guided, heat seeking, infra-red wielding archer in the garrison just knew the commander was hiding there, somehow, and they never missed, their arrows even went completely through that huge rock and finished me off. Same occasionally on some of those redoubts that enemy archers are in, and are sniping your troops in the back, which they never seem to notice as they keep pressing forward in one direction. Clean one of those out, and you're marked by every other archer in the garrison, even on the other side where they cant see you, and their arrows penetrate the walls and hardly ever miss.Hi-tech electronics in their arrows I guess.Or another of my favorites, when you're pushing that siege engine and enemy troops "leak" through it and the walls of the garrison and start cutting your troops down, they just stand there stupidly and die, no matter if you give them orders to attack or not, they don't seem to recognize enemies outside of the castle in these cases , before the siege engine reaches the walls. There are times I wished the game would let you put enemy archers' heads on pikes when their AI cheats so badly, always hitting the commander ( they know who to knock out from a 2 kilometer range) at a full gallop all the way across the map. Their weaponry could be fitted in a modern fighter aircraft if its consistently that accurate.
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