Most BIZARRE Bug ever

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I just registered to this forum to report this fancy bug that happened to me after long time of gameplay. I feel I need to tell the whole ingame story so this is what I did sofar:

After creating my character in Warband Version 1.0.something and about 200 ingame days I manged to get rid of the Kingdom of Nords and the Khergit Khanate successfully. Ive had my own kingdom, since I was at war with pretty much everyone except the Kingdom of Vaegris I thought it was easier to defend myself with only one castle. I never created my own vassals, I did everything by myself. So eventually I managed to drive the Kingdom of Rhodocks off the map as well by taking all their castles (that were immediately lost to other factions) however the faction wasnt marked as "eliminated" in the Menu. About 20 Lords were still about, however they didnt cause any trouble nor tried to besiege anything so I thought **** it, they gonna perish sooner or later. So while I expanded my kingdom to about a dozen castles 2 of the Lords from Kingdom of Rhodocks left their Kingdom and joined MY KINGDOM. No idea how that worked, I didnt want them and they both hated me and were otherwise useless so once again I thought **** it. I had about 15 castles then offered my sword in vassalage to King Graveth of Vaegris after what all my Castles were part of Vaegris and I was no longer a monarch. With my goal in mind of wiping out the Sarranids and the Swads I kept taking castles and kept expanding Vaegris.
I realized that the Kingdom of Rhodocks were still about in the Menu, however I have not spotted one single Lord ingame nor did they try to conquer anything. So I finally googled that bug and then installed the newest patch (1.158 from The Rhodocks disappeared from the "Faction Relation Menu" they got marked as defeated but the Lords were still in the list as Vassals to the Rhodock King.
I couldnt have cared less so I kept fighting the other factions together with the Vaegris for another 100 ingame. I realized that the Lords from Shivas Kingdom (my old kingdom that was no more) were still running about with red Text color and when I talked to them they wanted to serve me as a Vassal but whatever I chose they were still hostile towards me although Shivas Kingdom was not in the Kingdom List anywhere. So again I thought **** it, until suddenly and unexpectedly while I was looking for castles to take, one of my Vassals aka. Vassals of Shivas Kingdom that didnt even exist took a Castle from Kingdom of Swadia. Then I got a pop up message I am suddenly a monarch and Shivas Kingdom was "reborn", I the monarch. My relation with the Vaegris dropped from 90 to -40, I was like WTF, but then again thought **** it and went straight to taking Uhhun Castle and Narra from Vaegris since I recon they are strategically best. Uhhun did a good job on letting me take it lol, but then when I tried taking Narra.. after making sure I was not hallucinating, well... words cannot explain.. frapsed it, see for yourself:

I hope this Video contains enough information maybe someones got an idea. THE UPLOAD IS NOT FINISHED YET, I recon it should finish in about 2-3 hours if my internet connection doesnt fail sry for taht Im off to bed.
Oh and at 2:03 I changed my name to test something. Seems the Game is duplicating my character, adapts the new name, not only ingame as seen in 3:00 lol but also in the GAME AI.

Thanks in advance.


Let me explain the problem more clearly: I am at war with MY OWN KINGDOM. My vassals are all hostile against me. When I offer my sword in vassalage to another King, my faction seizes to exist, however my vassals are still running around, and when they take another castle it breaks my oath and I am monarch again. And theres no way I can make Peace with My own Kingdom cause the only way to do so would be talking to the Queen, being me lol.

Good Job, you broke warband.

OMG :sad:

Shouldnt take long???? D:

660 ingame days, and level 45 at 460k XP. Is there no cfg file or sumthin where I can manipulate with the game AI, like deleting factions or changing faction relations?
Uh huh.

Go to your character screen and hit the button down to the left (not sure what it says).

Click the export button. You now have a character file you can edit and what not. If you want to use in a new save, just make a character with the exact same name and click import. Than your character should be the same.

If you want to get your renown/honor and what not back press ctrl~ and a bar should come up. Type in cheatmenu. Most options will be found in the camp menu, option. Other choices can be selected through many of places, like towns and characters in game (You can forcefully make people like you, then ask them to join you. If 100 opinion its a near guarantee they will join.) When you are done with cheatmenu, simply do ctrl ~ and type nocheatmenu

For alot of things you want to edit that may help get your save back, download TweakMB. There are possibly some tutorials how to use it. Make sure you run it as administrator. Earlier versions still work for 1.158.

If you want to download cheatengine, you can get whatever number of troops back quite easily. I'd recomend upgrading them to what you want then using cheat engine so you don't have to wait along time pressing ctrl x.

Finally, you can just use cheats (select in startup menu). Many cheats can help you play the game real fast and get you up to speed. Although I'd recommend changing your money and xp through the file editor I first stated. In the file editor you can edit your stats and what not aswell. With the cheats, you can easily conquer who ever u want really fast to get to where you were.

Here are links in which will help. - tweakmb - Tweakmb tutorial - Cheatengine tutorial
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