Most asked question

What is the most asked/annoying question you've seen on the forums

  • How can I recruit lords?

    Votes: 8 11.8%
  • The mod one of course!

    Votes: 14 20.6%
  • Why does the bow suck? :twisted:

    Votes: 11 16.2%
  • What happens after the rebbellion?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What can I do with a captured lord?

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • Whats your difficutly level?

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • I lost my serial key, Help?!

    Votes: 9 13.2%
  • Can I be King?

    Votes: 17 25.0%
  • How do you couch a lance?

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • (Any questions pertaining to MULTIPLAYER)???

    Votes: 1 1.5%

  • Total voters

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What is the most asked/annoying question you've seen on the forums.

I personally voted for "What can I do wiht a captured lord"

If I left out any questions post it in a reply, I'll try to add it if thats allowed.
Archonsod said:
And anything with a bloody poll attached :razz:

Yeah, pointless polls are so annoying  :???:

Besides, my answer to most polls on web would be "none of the above"  :roll:
I think the most annoying question is "do you use cheats?" People get so upset about this question (usually the puritans who 'NEVER' cheat), but it makes no difference at all if someone else does, if it makes it boring that is their problem!
I'd say the bow question because most people who hate it use it for all of 2 minutes at lvl 1 before making a decision.
This topic would go VERY well in the modding section.

On the poll i voted for the serial doesn't happen so much nowadays but used to when it wasn't out at the shops.

Should add something about multiplayer as well.
I hate the ones on difficulty level. And the, choose your faction threads :X

The former because rarely anyones owns up to their true difficulty level, but instead throws out a random number. The latter, becuase it leads to arguements and flame wars on little pixelated bastards. They are turning as against each other!
Longblade said:
I think the most annoying question is "do you use cheats?" People get so upset about this question (usually the puritans who 'NEVER' cheat), but it makes no difference at all if someone else does, if it makes it boring that is their problem!
You know, this game would be pretty neat with multiplayer. When's multiplayer coming out? I think my enjoyment of this game would be enhanced with some online multiplayer. I don't know much about programming but I don't think adding multiplayer should be that hard! Just a small suggestion, have the devs considered adding multiplayer?
doorknobdeity said:
You know, this game would be pretty neat with multiplayer. When's multiplayer coming out? I think my enjoyment of this game would be enhanced with some online multiplayer. I don't know much about programming but I don't think adding multiplayer should be that hard! Just a small suggestion, have the devs considered adding multiplayer?

Read the threads on the expansion. It's coming and we don't know when.
Can i b kin in Nativ i dont wan ta downlod mods cause i dont kno how 2 activate 1 so i can play :eek:

The king one for sure...OK, no one uses that bad of grammar, but it can be pretty annoying when people constantly ask if they can be king...the mods one is a close second though...IMO.
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