Most Anticipated Bannerlord Mods?

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I would really like a Wheel of Time mod. I'm reading the books now and it's pretty suitable without making it too complicated. There would have to be a magic system, but the books give plenty of lore to make that more interesting than "select fireball, aim, and fire".

There are several kingdoms all with unique looks, lots of politics, a square map that is about the right size. Besides the magic system, it wouldn't be much crazier than the Game of Thrones mods.

Most people probably don't know about Wheel of Time, but with the Amazon series coming out, I'm sure the interest will increase dramatically if it is a success.
For me it's Perisno and Full Invasion. Full invasion was laggy in Warband when a lot of people were playing since the game couldn't handle it but now with the massively increased battle sizes i think it will run completely fine.
Or even a mod that Makes castles have multiple layers of walls. Let's say you breached the Wall and your opponent have no choice but to fall back to The castle.. What if instead, your next battle is not inside the keep but it Will be attacking another layer of Wall like many medieval castles had.

I realize this will get annoying real fast, to keep fighting 3-4 battles just for one castle. And you would lose a lot of troops. But this is what castles used to be.. Overpowered, that is why castles were built in the first place. I am not suggesting every castle has 3 layers of walls. But perhaps very strategical Ones only, maybe on the border to a nearby faction.


I'd like a Siege Enhancement mod, where at the very least you have to assault the inner keep from the outside instead of spawning to the inside. I'd also like to see bigger street fighting when attacking cities, with barricades put up by the defenders and angry civilians with clubs and meat knives joining the defense.
Imagine you're coming from Xbox to PC. Imagine how overwhelmed you feel when you learn about all these mods. I played Warband on Xbox and recently got a PC. This is whole new world. Absolute madness! I'm going to have to try all of them.
Mainly looking forward to Kingdoms of Arda, Game of Thrones in terms of complete game overhaul
Kingdoms of Arda
Game of Thrones
Medieval Europe (like 1257 AD)
Reformation time (30years war, very interesting and complicated situation espacialy in the HRE)
Late Hellenistic Mod (with all the interesting places arround the Mediterean Sea)
A Witcher Mod (but set in the actual Witcher World)
A Mod about Asia, Africa or America would also be very nice
And of course all the "small" mods to tweak the game (diplomacy, quests, graphics, etc.)
I'd like a Siege Enhancement mod, where at the very least you have to assault the inner keep from the outside instead of spawning to the inside. I'd also like to see bigger street fighting when attacking cities, with barricades put up by the defenders and angry civilians with clubs and meat knives joining the defense.
I would support this any day of the week. Even pay for it quite honestly.
PW. All of the original players are several years grown from it's peak back in 2012-2015. It's main problem arose from immature administration. Hopefully, this time we can do it right.
cRPG and Mercenaries, and I hope there will be something like Napoleonic Wars also I want to see Persistent world hmmm what else... there is a lot of mods I want to see, the question is when? :unsure:
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