Morrowind/Daggerfall styles in towns

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Golden Axe

In Morrowind and Daggerfall (daggerfall especially) it was cool that at night, the shops would lock up and the merchants would disappear. You had lock-picking and sneaking skills which would allow you to sneak in and out of the shops, if you could unlock the door unseen, and steal whatever you want.

Also, the wares that the merchants had tended to change from week to week reflecting that there were other adventurers out there trading with them.

It would be fun if there was some option to travel around towns via First Person mode - especially if you have joined one side of the war, sneak into the enemy towns and steal supplies or something - they pretty much have that option in Pirates.

Merchant wares are currently randomized every couple of days.

I'd like the option of being able to sneak into an enemy camp at night or to do a solo infiltration of a castle, perhaps to assassinate a monarch or to open the gates from the inside so your main forces can come in.

The problem is, that would require a drastic change from the game as it is and the AI would probably have to be rebuilt from the ground up.
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