Welcome to Morgh's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor - official thread!
Current version is v1.50
This tool supports powerful editing of TXT compiled files AND ALSO the Python module system!
Python module system editors (Warband only!):
- module_items.py
- module_troops.py
- module_party_templates.py
Compiled TXT editors (Warband / With Fire And Sword):
- troops.txt
- factions.txt
- parties.txt
- party_template.txt
- item_kinds1.txt
Official Editor Page (with download link)
Official Editor Documentation
Official Editor FAQ Page
Download Page
Latest changes:
General changes:
- Extended compatibility, troop and item editor can load more community modules
for example: "The last days of the third age"
Text item editor changes:
- Added flags to be compatible with Module System v1.165:
Text item editor changes:
- Added WFAS v1.143 flags:
overswing_spear = 0x0020000000000000
overswing_musket = 0x0040000000000000
thrust_musket = 0x0080000000000000
- Marked the special WFAS capabilities and flags with " (WFAS) " behind their names
Module Sytem item editor changes:
- Removed WFAS flags, because the module system editor is only for M&B Warband!
General changes:
- Module System editor is for Warband only!
Text / Module System item editor changes:
- Added v1.143 flags: itp_is_pike, itp_offset_musket, itp_no_blur
General changes
- none
Text item editor changes
- Added multiple trigger handling (support now up to 5 triggers). I totally forgot that, so modules using items with more than one trigger (for example Brytenwalda: itm_torch) wasn't handled correctly by the editor. Saved item_kinds1.txt was damaged.
- Added code which identifies empty lines between item factions and item triggers. Now also item files from modules like Brytenwalda or Floris Mod Pack are loaded correctly. When saving item data, the empty lines will be removed, so the new file size is a bit less than the original.
- Reorganized whole form: Factions list is now bigger than before, also the trigger field. Lists have been reduced in height.
- Changed label above the item list which shows the count of items. It displays the count of items without entry 0: itm_no_item
And the last change, which will makes a few people happy:
- Item editor now fits better into 1024x768 screen size (without start menu - just set this to fade out, if you use the editor!)
- Raised program version to Warband / With Fire & Sword v1.143
- Fixed a simple but annoying bug while loading the map_icons.txt to the "combo box" at the text parties editor. The Fire and Sword addon has a few map icons using two lines which was ignored by my editor. This was resulting in shifting up the other icons in the list by one position, so the parties has been shown the wrong map icon.
- Changed program name to "Morgh's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor"
- Raised program version to Warband / With Fire & Sword v1.142
- Fixed a few minor bugs
- Added html links (to the RAR archive !!!) to the quick documentation and FAQ page
- Fixed a couple of bugs, also at party templates editor (problem with just added new troops)
Current version is v1.50
This tool supports powerful editing of TXT compiled files AND ALSO the Python module system!
Python module system editors (Warband only!):
- module_items.py
- module_troops.py
- module_party_templates.py
Compiled TXT editors (Warband / With Fire And Sword):
- troops.txt
- factions.txt
- parties.txt
- party_template.txt
- item_kinds1.txt
Official Editor Page (with download link)
Official Editor Documentation
Official Editor FAQ Page
Download Page
Latest changes:
General changes:
- Extended compatibility, troop and item editor can load more community modules
for example: "The last days of the third age"
Text item editor changes:
- Added flags to be compatible with Module System v1.165:
Text item editor changes:
- Added WFAS v1.143 flags:
overswing_spear = 0x0020000000000000
overswing_musket = 0x0040000000000000
thrust_musket = 0x0080000000000000
- Marked the special WFAS capabilities and flags with " (WFAS) " behind their names
Module Sytem item editor changes:
- Removed WFAS flags, because the module system editor is only for M&B Warband!
General changes:
- Module System editor is for Warband only!
Text / Module System item editor changes:
- Added v1.143 flags: itp_is_pike, itp_offset_musket, itp_no_blur
General changes
- none
Text item editor changes
- Added multiple trigger handling (support now up to 5 triggers). I totally forgot that, so modules using items with more than one trigger (for example Brytenwalda: itm_torch) wasn't handled correctly by the editor. Saved item_kinds1.txt was damaged.
- Added code which identifies empty lines between item factions and item triggers. Now also item files from modules like Brytenwalda or Floris Mod Pack are loaded correctly. When saving item data, the empty lines will be removed, so the new file size is a bit less than the original.
- Reorganized whole form: Factions list is now bigger than before, also the trigger field. Lists have been reduced in height.
- Changed label above the item list which shows the count of items. It displays the count of items without entry 0: itm_no_item
And the last change, which will makes a few people happy:
- Item editor now fits better into 1024x768 screen size (without start menu - just set this to fade out, if you use the editor!)
- Raised program version to Warband / With Fire & Sword v1.143
- Fixed a simple but annoying bug while loading the map_icons.txt to the "combo box" at the text parties editor. The Fire and Sword addon has a few map icons using two lines which was ignored by my editor. This was resulting in shifting up the other icons in the list by one position, so the parties has been shown the wrong map icon.
- Changed program name to "Morgh's Mount & Blade WB/WFAS Editor"
- Raised program version to Warband / With Fire & Sword v1.142
- Fixed a few minor bugs
- Added html links (to the RAR archive !!!) to the quick documentation and FAQ page
- Fixed a couple of bugs, also at party templates editor (problem with just added new troops)
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