More ways to spend the oodles of money I get, please

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Let me make some things clear before I begin:

-This is not an anti-M&B whine. "Waaa! I'm level 13 and there's nothing to do!" I have several 35+ characters.

-This is not necessarily "Owning a castle would be sweet!" or something like that.

-I have played the Mag-7, Last Days, and Arena mods. Please do not insert a "search all of the cool mods" comment.

-M&B is amazing

Okay, now that I have that out of the way, let's begin.
I find that after a while, I have more money than I can use. At first, I tried to get the best of the best when it came to weapons and armor (reinforced everything). Then, I decided to spend all of my excess on Borcha and Marnid, building up their arsenal just because there was nothing else I needed to buy.

This has been a problem for several of my characters, both plate-clad knights and bow-weilding bandits. Even when I solo, money becomes excessive.

So, perhaps there could be one (or more) of several options:

-Training. This would be a solo-ers dream. Instead of spending your money on un-needed equipment, un-needed soldiers (OBVIOUSLY, you're a solo-er), and, other things, you could improve the thing that you love most, YOU! This would not be an unfair addition, since someone with a party would need to spend his/her gold on more party-related things, and it would balance out.

-Owning something. I don't care what it is. A merchant caravan. A castle. A town. The ability to create your own faction and build your own armies. A pile of mud. WHATEVER! It would be nice to invest your money into big projects and truly feel rich when you have 8000 extra gold, as opposed to the 80,000 gold I have to get to make myself feel wealthy.

-Bribes. I never understood why those Dark Knights and Kerghits were so angry! I mean, everyone is nicer after several thousand gold is thrown their way, right? Perhaps we could bribe people more (or take it a step further, and bribe vagir/swadian armies to join the opposing side...for an enourmous amount of gold, of course)

Alright, I'm done. Ready. Set. Go!
-Training. This would be a solo-ers dream. Instead of spending your money on un-needed equipment, un-needed soldiers (OBVIOUSLY, you're a solo-er), and, other things, you could improve the thing that you love most, YOU! This would not be an unfair addition, since someone with a party would need to spend his/her gold on more party-related things, and it would balance out.
I like this idea. I guess you mean there will be a master of each skill. And they will train you for a high price. One master for every 2-3 skill can suffice I guess. So 5-6 masters can cover all skills.
-Bribes. I never understood why those Dark Knights and Kerghits were so angry! I mean, everyone is nicer after several thousand gold is thrown their way, right? Perhaps we could bribe people more (or take it a step further, and bribe vagir/swadian armies to join the opposing side...for an enourmous amount of gold, of course)
Think for their side especially you are alone. Why not kill you and take your all money and equipment instead of getting only a few thousand?.
Training: I'm not sure what you mean by this exactly. Do you mean spending money to improve you skills like morrowind? If thats the case, then i say no. What there could be are certain teachers that you can pay to learn/increase you skill only once...that would work. And as far as weapon proficiencies go, you could have your master trainer. But instead of just paying money to advance your weapon skills, you could pay him for a training duel, in which you gain 10x exp for that weapon skill. So lets say you go to a master melee trainer, you pay him money for a duel, get to pick your weapon (1handed/2handed/polearm), and you gain a huge bonues to any weapon exp you get during that duel?

Owning something: Umm...lemme think about his one... YES! Not much more to be said.

Bribes: Well, i don't know if you should really be able to bribe entire armies exactly....perhaps nations could use mercenaries alongside their regular troops which could be bribed, but not armies loyal to the king. I'd like to see a system similar to Knights of the Old Republic, where you can persuade and bribe your way through the game (although not as linear) with certain benefits and whatnot.

So good ideas. But what i'd also like to see is other ways of producing income rather than solo'ing hundreds of bandits and making boring repetative trade runs. Perhaps you should be able to actually turn a profit by owning your own keep/peasants/farm/mud/whatever. However, keep in mind that no matter what the system you will eventually have more money than you could ever possibly spend, no matter what. This holds true for ANY non-linear (especially single player) game.
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