More unique quests.

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Grandmaster Knight
I'm thinking about other quests, similar to the first river pirates quest. I would like there to be more unique quests that take a good deal of time to complete. Let's brainstorm and see what we can come up with.

A sea raider quest would be good at one point in the game. Maybe sometime past 100 days, you'll notice an increase of sea raiders around wercheg/tihr (whichever one you're allied to.) King tells you to go investigate, and you find wercheg/tihr besieged by a large number of sea raider parties, along with one huge (>200) sea_raider_war_party or something. During this time, no extra sea raiders spawn, and it's your job to defeat every single party.
Due to me having lost dozens of good men to sea raiders, I like your idea. Except that 200 sea raiders = death. But other ideas: one of the forests or mountains could have a bandit base that you have to clean out. But if your on good relations with the bandits it could act like a town, and maybe bandit quests.
Exellent Idea, bound to happen in the future. But seiously. 100 days? I always have thick and reinforced black things on me and a balnced war sword and a warbow with superarrows. And no cheats even. how about 30-50 days?
Maybe (this is VERY late game) you eventually recieve a quest from your faction leader. You would have to be level 50 to get this.
King %enemy% Has decided to come to a parley and try to end this war. I will attend the parley, but you will not. You are this great country's greatest warrior. You must assasinate King %enemy% before he reaches %capitol%. He is very well protected, and he himself is one of Caldria's most impressive fighters. This will be your most difficult task. I know you can do it. I have such high hopes for you.
More realistically, how about a quest to defeat the bandits by killing their leader, I can't remember his name. The one who just stands in his little hideout. It wouldn't nessesarilty have any effect on the map, since the bandits don't even need a leader, but it would be nice if this quest lowered the number of bandit parties or something.
And I would certainly love to see attack and defend missions for forts and cities.

Otherwise, I'd also love to see less randomized missions and more story-driven anything, but that's probably coming up in the future anyways.
All of the quests of these sorts I can think up are ones involving bandits of some sort.

A mountain bandit idea would be one where bandits are blocking the mountain pass between Rivacheg and reyvadin. Either you can ignore them or you can go kick all their asses and destroy their barricades.
City blocade..

The King orders you to stop all trade caravans from reaching a certain city for x days... If a 'friendly' caravan tries to run the blockade you can tell them to turn back or be attacked, if they continue, they can be attacked without loss of reputation...

The opposide quest is obviously to Break a blockade..

Supply train..

The King has a large army working behind enemy lines, they need supplies and fresh troops... You are to deliver those...
some others

defend city
"Our scouts report that a %enemy% War Party is coming this way, and is likely going to be sieging our castle. We have few men and the ones we have are not trained... Please train #guys and bring some #otherguys before the enemy arrives..."
after doing that...
"Thank you...(blahblah) I will be very glad if you will fight by my side during this battle, since we need all the help we can get [i dont wanna/yes sir]"
and you fight with the king and if you die, the city falls to the enemy...

explore new territories
when you start not the whole map is showed, just what the local merchant's map says...
so the king of %ally% asks you to explore new territories and make some maps.. (for which you need map-making skill)...
you explore and face enemyes and stuff... then you meet something.. (another kingdom?) who is peaceful or warlike... and he decides to ally/war with you.. you report to the king and he says that war/peace it shall be....
something along those lines

trading quests
the trading quests given now are way too useless... i mean, bring these 8 packs of salt to wercherg and local merchant will give you 700 gold... you can sell it for some 1200 gold in zendar!!
so that would need to be improved...

Siege enemy
opposite of defend castle... you make a warparty(some of the people are king's men) and siege the enemy cities... if you lose you lose, if you win you get the castle(%ally%)

collect taxes
the local king is poor and his men are lazy, and people dont pay taxes
so he sents you to collect taxes from farmers/paesants.... you have to get 100% of people taxes... and then king gives you reward(more quests)

Train Paesants
now when king asks you to train paesants, you have to get them, bring them in battle and hope they dont die, hope they get level up, and then bring them to king...
what would be better, is:
the king gives you #paesants... you go to the local tournament place and you fight with them and teach them(like the master in zendar) and in some time they will level up and you bring them to the king...

Bring slaves
a quest from a king.. bring #%enemy% prisoners so %ally% can trade them for their prisoners....

thats just some ideas
These could be either unique guests or regular ones, but I believe they would work better as the type that merchants and noblemen give you.


You are given the task to get as much food as possible to a town in a set amount of time.

Defend town

Kinda like in Seven Samurais


A nobleman is traveling from one city to another with a massive warparty (200-300). You're supposed to, surprise surprise, kill the nobleman.


You are to kidnap a merchants daughter and demand ransom at a set location. The merchant will send a group of mercenaries after you.

These are the ones that come to mind
defend town...
READ the post above ddmit...

yeah, guests...
how can you confuse a Q with a G? they are 2 miles away from each other
kroc said:
yeah, guests...
how can you confuse a Q with a G? they are 2 miles away from each other

You must have a really big keyboard.. and long arms, (or you're very fit from running from key to key...
My Q and G are 6.5cm apart... :lol:
kroc said:
defend town...
READ the post above ddmit...

yeah, guests...
how can you confuse a Q with a G? they are 2 miles away from each other
It's a typo, y'know? Like 'ddmit', supposed to be 'dammit'. Don't tell me the 'm' button is too far from... itself. 'a' and 'd' are used interchangably in modern English anyway.

The suggestions are nice, apart from one thing: the army sizes. Okay, it WOULD be realistic, but I doubt the engine, much less the AI could handle such huge numbers. What would be needed for stronger enemies (and increased challenge) is better equipment, maybe.
Um... you DO know that the army size wouldn't affect the battle size, right? There's a maximum number of troops that can be fielded, and the armies meet several times in successive bouts. Bigger armies just add difficulty and yield matching rewards.
okiN said:
Um... you DO know that the army size wouldn't affect the battle size, right? There's a maximum number of troops that can be fielded, and the armies meet several times in successive bouts. Bigger armies just add difficulty and yield matching rewards.
Wow, I seem to have forgotten about that. Don't mind me, then. :lol:
kroc said:
defend town...
READ the post above ddmit...

yeah, guests...
how can you confuse a Q with a G? they are 2 miles away from each other

1: I thought you realized it by now that I am a lazy **** that can't really be bothered with trivial things, such as other people and their pointless suggestions and opinions.

2: Even though I'm great and marvellous, I am not omnipotent.
Wilhelm Tell style
I've got 'n idea. The local duke or graf or whoever has a prisoner which is meant to be resqued, but he doesn't demand money for him, but simply wants you to shoot an apple from his head with a crossbow.

catch a spy or thief or whoever before he reaches foreign lands
a fast army (or single) unit moves from your position (the town you got the quest in). your mission is to catch& kill him or knock him out. Alternatively it could be some romeo who lead the daughter or wife of the local duke away is meant to be killed (as vendetta), while the female is meant to be recovered safely.
Here is an idea for a quest, feel free to use it armagan, otherwise i will probably try to mod it in.

Swadian/Vaegir Champion

Once the player has reached the level of knight in the swadian/vaegir armies. His king will tell him about the recent death of th swadian/vaegir champion (note: from this point on i will use swadian to mean swadian/vaegir). He will then have to find a lord who will except him as his entry (possibly by proving himself through a small quest). After that he will have to visit every swadian city where he will have to challenge the lord's champion. These contests would be one-on-one battles, against very difficult opponent's using different sets of weapon's in each city. Once the player has beaten every opponent, he is proclaimed swadian champion and perhaps recieves a ceremonial sword/helm.

Any comments?
That's actually a very nice idea. I like how it's a little lengthier than your average quest. The only problem is that one-on-one battles are always ridiculously easy. No matter how difficult you make the opponent, the AI still has limits. But I guess we'd just have to live with that.
@scipio defeating a single opponent is a way too easy, no matter how well he is armed. (parrying with sword). I could imagine a classical knight tournament (no healing between the battles) without the need to wander from town to town, but i am still not sure about the title. I've never heared of a 'champion of the (frankon/holy roman) empire'. Perhaps you should be allowed to marry the king's daughter/son (or the king?) that way & get the throne heir. As to the sword/helm, you shouldn't be allowed to sell it. If you do, you fall in rang and must pay a fee (yes, idea theft form 'princess maker')
I would imagine that the sword/helm would be too well known, and that no merchant would risk the wrath of the swadians/vaegir by offering to buy it. The reason i had suggested different weapons sets was that it is unlikely that a player would be an expert with polearms, lances, crossbows, etc. etc.

Also maybe the opponents could have some treachery up their sleaves, so the player could be jumped by thugs of some type or something like that.
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