More than 5 types of party members?

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Yes you need to use the search feature on the forums before asking these kind of things. The leadership skill affects your party size. (maybe put a bit more time into the game before you decide to critique it)
dhvyse said:
Yes you need to use the search feature on the forums before asking these kind of things. The leadership skill affects your party size. (maybe put a bit more time into the game before you decide to critique it)
I was suggesting eh take out the limit. I know the leadership skill affects it, I dont think it should. And I'm not critiquing it, I was just offering a suggestion in the Suggestion forum.

Calm down.
I think I kinda agree about this. I'd like to see leadership only effect the number of soldiers, instead of the number of types.
I'm fine with the Leadership stat's effects, but recently I was thinking about the Charisma stat in general - you need to have 3x Charisma than you have Leadership (and others), but there's no secondary benefits to spending a point on charisma - in effect, there's 2 wasted points of it before you get to the 3rd effectual one. This can get annoying when it's of more pressing benefit to get more damage, or faster attacks, or yet another attribute point. Maybe each point to Charisma could decrease merchants' prices by 0.05% or something?
Well, as I remeber, it make salaries less. However, since it's really insignificant - wasted points anyway. Btw, was about to suggest something like that, but was always forgetting :smile:.
I was curious what level my leadership had to be to get a 6th party bracket. Now that its level 3 I still have 5 party brackets, and no where to put my Swadian Knights (or more militia if I have Knights, Men at Arms, AND Crossbowmen + my 2 permanent party members).

As for my previous post I just assumed leadership added brackets (i didn't start to level cha/leadership until recently)
yeah, I'm having the same problem. I had to sent marnid away to the 4 Ways Inn, and my wallet is hurting without his 3 trading skill points :cry:
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