More soldier commands

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I LOVE the game, I'll start by saying that. However, I wish I had more command over my soldiers, so battles don't just consist of me telling my soldiers to hold a single point, then when they charge having the mounted soldiers reach the enemy two minutes before the unmounted. I'd love it if a slightly more definitive system could be in place. Even something as simple as 6 saying "This is the rally point" and 7 saying "fall back to the rally point". However, a system like the following would be brilliant in the extreme.

Numbers 1-9 chose members of your group (for example, if in your party Marnid is in the slot right after you, he's number 1), then the other commands come into play.
1. Hold this position
2. Follow me
3. Charge
4. Mount
5. Unmount
6. This is the rally point (to make things simple, the rally point would apply to all members of the party, not just this group)
7. Fall back to the rally point
8. Fight in hand-to-hand
9. Fight long ranged.

That way more complex strategies could be used. For example, your group of a dozen archers could be placed on a hill, with a dozen footmen in front of them, and the rally point right behind. About a hundred metres to the flank, half a dozen Knights could be placed. You, Marnid, Borsha, and a dozen horsemen can crash into the ranks of the enemy, take out one or two in the initial charge, then retreat ("Fall back to the rally point"). As your soldiers are mounted, they outrun the unmounted foes easily, and those who are mounted will get cut down by your own footmen when they reach that group. Finally, as your archers come into range of the advancing unmounted foes, the begin letting volley after volley off into their foe. When the foe hits your line, you can tell the archers to 8 ("fight in hand to hand"), and your Knights to charge, hitting them in the flank. ALOT more interesting then "Hold here" "Charge".

Just a thought.
I agree.

What i would like to see is the ability to comand my horse men and leave my ground men at a position.
Like you said 'fight long ranged' is good to because it is good to have your archers actually shooting.
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