SP - General More Nobles and more Administrative Posts (besides governor) for Them to Hone Their Skills and Replace Dead Nobles

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I realized that once you take out some big name lords, there really isnt other notable lords to replace them from their own clan. It makes sense that once you cut the head of the snake the body dies too. But it should not be so easy. It can be a bit harder in my opinion, and little more flavorful. This way nobles and notables can also keep gaining exp, making them ready to take up the post if their clan leader dies. You could even introduce a new system to decide who takes the leadership (maybe different for each faction, with some based on blood ties, some based on votes, some based on power etc) With my suggestion I think it does that.

TLDR (also long, sorry)
What if there were more positions besides governor that clan rulers could appoint their people into. For instance there could be village leaders (besides the notables), castellans, marshals, chamberlains, Seneschals, commanders, generals, horselords, knights, bagathurs, champions etc. Each title and post could be diferent for each faction (not just the names but even the responsibilities could be different). For instance Khuzaits could have an honorary position for horse breeder or something that they value above all else.
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