More in depth village control?

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Will there be a more dynamic and more in depth control of villages so I can improve fields or focus on welfare and stuff? More than is existent at the current patch? Right now I feel like villages are just villages and they're there but its not alive.
Since village role in your budget is represented by gold, it won't rly matter what it is focused on. I like and agree with the way it is. It could be cool to micro your first village fief, but in the late game, when you have TONS of them, necessity to babysit each one will be a pain in the arse.

So I agree with what we have now:
wealthy village (with mill built\untouched by foes) = even more gold

Reasonably enough to keep it secure and build some improvements, and no big deal if damaged.
It has been discussed, latest here :

Corsix said:
Increased economy options ?
Clearly yes.

Some suggestions already made depending on relative distance to a HQ sounds fair to me. Destroyed income gain through captured city by an enemy; very nice!

Combined (and adjusted) with Tina's idea of increased micromanagement would be the peak of all M&B mods definetely.
Economy suggestions
    * Village Buildings
          o Storage Silo - Storage for produced goods
                + Storage Silo Upgrade - More Storage Capacity
                + Forest clearance - Increases Raw Building slots to 2
                + Grain Farm - Produces Grain
                + Cattle Farm - Produces Cattle
                + Mine - Produces Ore
                + Hunter - Produces Hides / Meat
                + Horse Breeder - Produces basic horses
                + Grapes Farm - Produces Grapes
                + Fisher - Produces Basic Fish (Gets Old)
          o Town Hall
                + Tax Office - Disables the tax inefficency
                + Trade Post - Enables Caravanse to send goods to further shops or capital
                + Chapel - Makes people happy / changes religion to state religion
    * Town Buildings
          o Courtyard
                + Tax Office - Same as village but more expensive
                + Church - Same as village chapel but more expensive
                + Slave Market - Sells Slaves / Needs Grain (to feed the slaves)
                      # Additional Cells - Increases Storage Capacity
                + Food Market - Sells Foods
                      # Additional Market Stand - Increases Storage Capacity
                      # Iced Stand - Slows down rotting process
                + Army Merchant - Sells Tools/Weapons/WarHorses/Armor
          o Guild Hall - Silo but more epensive
                + Guild Hall Storage upgrade
                + Guild Hall Tower - Increases Shop Slots to 2
                + Brewery - Makes Ale from Grain
                + Winery - Makes Wine from Grapes
                + Iron Melter - Makes Iron from Ore and Weapons
                + Smith - Makes Tools from Iron
                + Slave hunter - Produces Slaves
                + Weaponsmith - Makes Wapons and Armor from Iron
                      # Grinding Stone - +1 to Weapon Damage
                + Slaghterhous - Makes Meat from Cattle
                + curing shop - Makes Dried Meat / Fish from Meat / Basic Fish
    * Castle Buildings
          o Abbey - Changes Religion / Lets you recruit Order Soldiers
                + Herb Garden -  + 200% to Heroes regeneration while waiting
          o Catacomb  - Increase Storage Space
          o Training Fieds  - +50% on XP while waiting
                + Slave Trainer - Upgrades the Slaves
                + Horse Trainer - makes War horses from Horses and iron

Of course this list is just an example and can be modified and etended indefinitly.
There is also the possibility of adding the need of hiring staff one by one and with it controling the amount of the various outputs.

Who needs Civilization when you can play such mod ??

Lot of potential in this ideas; honestly. So I voted yes.

Edit :
More here -,133615.msg3221761.html#msg3221761
May I suggest an overall reduction of building times at this point?

I would balance it with a building time of 3-5 days with engineer skill 5. The point is, that the game advances much faster than your fiefs do, and building times of 10-25 days in WB are something like an eternety concerning game progress. If you want you can increase the overall building prices, but for god's sake don't just give me a tiny message of some building completed near my fief in Sarai while I am on a crusade against Damietta. I know I will forget about it when I get home, as construction is so cruelly slow!
i don't know if you have checked it out but star wars conquest mod (for original MB) had this possibility like building stuff which would let you train/recruit certain types of troops. i prefer training them by myself but maybe it would be good to change it into producing resources to use in towns... because, seriously, it can be really annoying to waste few days of travel because you can't get no raw silk anywhere around to boost your income in town production facility (sounds strange... nevermind)

just a thought...
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