more gore plz

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i'd like to see bandit-heads on poles, and such :???:

also make it so that the weapons look like they've seen some action (=blood) also in armor too.

ultimate coolness would be achieved rome total war style.. head hurlers :twisted:
Tsk, tsk. Good soldiers clean their weapons. Though medeival ones don't use toothbrushes for that.

And the best way to demoralize the enemy in a battle of this scale is to hack them into a pulp.

Though, ransoming nobles (not for your own counts, but as a freelance job) would be nice.
Oh the title "dirty knights" meant that? I see there has been a misundertandment (by me). :wink:
Definitely more gore. Blood sprietes on my self and enemies would be fine. And chopping off limbs and decapitation would be kewl too.
ilex said:
Oh the title "dirty knights" meant that? I see there has been a misundertandment (by me). :wink:
Definitely more gore. Blood sprietes on my self and enemies would be fine. And chopping off limbs and decapitation would be kewl too.

then this would become a rated X game (at least in america and uk) and Armagan and Ipek would lose lots of money, and before you know it they can't compete and will be forced to sell themselves to ea who won't tolerate this kind of competition. Since M&B proves quality is doable and cheap.

all it would take is one concerned yank mother who sees the gore, contacts her local authorities, and something will be done to make the online selling of this game unaccessible to -18 year olds in the us and probably the uk too and then europe siince being the concerned parent is a hype that is slowly comming to europe.

(or maybe I'm paranoide)
Yes that would propably be true. But heck, GTA is X-rated and it sells like donuds near police station. Well blood sprites (stains on model when hit) would not be that bad, we already have spruits of blood coming from them, but you didn't mean them did you. Maybe some skilled crew of modders could do a gore mod.
yeah but GTA has a theme wich is popular and had allready established a name and popularity. even people who usually don't touch games liked GTA. I knew people who wouldn't play games because it was "nerdy" or "not something people over 18 do", untill they saw GTA.

IMO there is enough blood!
Yes the amount of the blood is... well (IMO) more than enough. But it would be nice if the blood would stay on the models, not just splash into the air. Maybe some visible cuts and blood spots on models.
It would look nice indeed, I guess that should be ok, but better not add severed limbs or annything like that.

dunno if it's doable.
Ordinarily, I wouldn't care one way or the other. If M&B remains as is, in terms of gore, fine BUT if some additional damage effects - including the occasional bloody kill with its consequences - even better. I would like some damaged armor, blunted weapons, etc.

I don't take seriously the idea that a little more visual display of wounds inflicted would cause M&B to lose some of the more sensitive gamers or create an outrage among the non-gaming public: I mean how realistic are we talking about? I enjoy the M&B's graphics now, but even if the occasional decapitation were included, it would be more cartoonlike than photorealistic. It could only make the excessively squeamish uneasy.
There are dozens upon dozens of games in virtually every genre that have far more detailed scenes of violence and they've been around for years - so the "shock" impact of realistic violence has been blunted.

There are other reasons - much better reasons like time constraints and personal taste - for Armagan to decide against detailed depictions of bloody combat.
GTA 3 had a cheat code you could put in that allowed you to cut/shoot off limbs and such, GTA VC let you blow off heads, and GTA San Andreas lets you blow off heads too. Basicaly, decapitation would be awesome, as well as cutting off limbs and such. However, this should be an OPTION that you can turn on and off in the Options Menu. This way, the younger players can enjoy the game, without having their mothers go berserk about arms flying and heads being lopped off.

This has been suggested many, many times. Check the Search before you post other suggestions, plz.
A dynamic system of limb choppage would most likely be too hard for armagan to do successfully. Decapitation in the case of melee headshots would be simple. Just do what quake2 did. Upon decapitation fold the vertices that make up the head part of the model in on itself, and spawn a grisly decapitated head model with independant physics where the old head used to be.

Also make sure it doesn't happen to the player, because it would be a little bit silly if you saw the 'you have been knocked unconscious' prompt while seeing your own head sailing through the air.
Watching a guy screaming and trying to push his intestines back into his belly after one of my great lance charges would not enhance my enjoyment of the game at all. But a head flying away after I hacked it off with my sword would make me laugh. Everyone has a different idea of what is funny or Ok, I think the gore level is acceptable as it is.
I think that a bit more blood about the place would add a certain amount of realism, but I don't think we need to go as far as having limbs flying around the place.

Mind you, our old favourite Severence blade of darkness had great gore...

Personally I'd prefer the effort to be put into a bunch of more realistic battlfield sounds.
M&B doesn't need limbs getting hacked off. Gore is fine the way it is, and the only thing I would like to see is persistent damage locations, as ilex said.
atm, when a battles near an end the battlefield itself only looks a bit like a battle has actually happened. Some blood on the ground caused by particuarly bloody wounds/some deaths would be nice just to give the battle the end result of an actual battle (we're fighting with sharp things here).

Also similar to that, being in close range of a blood spurt probably should stain your armour for a certain period of time or until you rest in a tavern. Finally though this might be pushing this a bit far, water should go a murky red atleast briefly when there's fresh bodies.
HAve anyof you ever played soldier of fortune 2??? The gore can get a little immense sometimes but what really kept me in the game was it using Ghoul technology with its precise hit locations and such thats what i really want to see in the game later on, and if not in M&B, M&B 2

but i totally agree with gonz id rather like to have more sounds and such than this...... MAybe even some voices!?!?!?!?!?! for just yourt character at least!
CUMON limb hacking has to added, its medieval comabt! You don't ride past someone at 40mph and slice their head and not expet anythng to happen!
true true true

i would like it...... I jsut want it to be done well not so much as OMG I SLIEVD HIS HEAD OFF like how GTA is done

i want it more like the brutality of war
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