More diverse 1 handed axes

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i like the axes, i really do, they're wonderful and they do good damage...but they look so horrible. Most of them look like a woodcutter just used that axe for combat, cmon, where's the axes as seen used by gimli, the really bad*** lookin ones?
Aaah!!. You made me open the game and search for it. Try double axe. Two handed, 39c damage, requires 12 strength. Its bigger than Gimli's. Unrealistic if you ask me. And there is great axe but it doesnt look so bad.
Well, IMO most of the models look pretty good in this game, the problem is the textures. Pretty much all weapons look rather...bland and boring. No insult to Armagan, he did a fine job given his resources (or lack thereof rather). But perhaps one of our talented modelers could retexture most of the weapons in the game? I think something fairly simple like this greatly improves the graphical appearance and helps set the mood by making the game feel more in depth. Just my two cents.
2 handed axes are fine for people that arent archers...but i like to specialize in riding into a mass of deserts with crossbows and just lay into them. No shield=i dead
I have a horse archer/2hander and I absolutely love riding into hordes with my axe swinging.

Never found a decent double 2 handed axe though so I won't know how the view looks like - and I'm too cheap to buy 1 now. Lack of funds.

I would like to have some shinney blades and axes...where the reflection of the enemies head shimmers across the blade as it goes though his neck.

I think there is a large range of axes in MAB, just that most of them look the same in the stores, and they do look like glorified woodsman axes(as most military ones are). Also gimli's axe wasn't a one-handed axe, he used both hands to thrust it through the orcs and urukai as i do recall.

I'm all for new textures, as the current ones are great yes but better can be.

No offence Armagan.

love the game...loves it i does.
i find war axes to be a great balance of reach/damage and also wasn't that expensive.

hell slitting throats while horseback with a bourche (bad spelling) or a waraxe is orgasmic :smile:
KirbyTheHunter said:
2 handed axes are fine for people that arent archers...but i like to specialize in riding into a mass of deserts with crossbows and just lay into them. No shield=i dead

DUH! If you DON"T have a shield, you shouldn't BE ATTACKING CROSSBOWMEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!

It's fine with archers because their arrows are weak and barely hurt you once you pile on plate armor.

hell slitting throats while horseback with a bourche (bad spelling) or a waraxe is orgasmic Smile

Yeah. I love the bourche. But I never used it. It IS a piece of crap, after all.
No, the bourche (mispell i think) is sort of an axe varient of a glaive, a mid-level axe, and i did use it a lot until i got my strength pumped and enough money to buy a waraxe or great sword.

Back to the subject (i just reread it, and i strayed a bit far, sorry), the game could use a few more 1 handed axes (since most of the good 1-handers are swords), so i have to agree with KirbyTehHunter,

Here are some nice 1handed axes

and a nice 2-hander axe also from gothic (couldn't find a bigger image :/ )

thumbs up
okiN said:
svart, I think you mean the bardiche. The voulge is the worst two-handed weapon in the game.

i know - i was reffering to an early part of the game.
(the post was about looks and not effeciency, and the voulge was a down and dirty axe for me)
Fluffy The Hamster said:
KirbyTheHunter said:
2 handed axes are fine for people that arent archers...but i like to specialize in riding into a mass of deserts with crossbows and just lay into them. No shield=i dead

DUH! If you DON"T have a shield, you shouldn't BE ATTACKING CROSSBOWMEN IN THE FIRST PLACE!

It's fine with archers because their arrows are weak and barely hurt you once you pile on plate armor.

hell slitting throats while horseback with a bourche (bad spelling) or a waraxe is orgasmic Smile

Yeah. I love the bourche. But I never used it. It IS a piece of crap, after all.

you prove my point. 2 handed axes look cool...but i dont use them, cause i need 1 handed. but all the 1 handed look prettymuhc the same, so..meh.

i lost my train of thought.

You should have a mount and/or a shield to go after archers. If you are mounted, then zig-zagging your way in to close with them works well once you get the timing down, and the extra reach and damage on the 2 hander makes mowing them down safer and easier. I still tend to equip a shield for closing on archers, but I've done it the other way too.
Guys, there were a LOT of awesome-looking axes made during the middle ages. We don't have to steal bad designs from fantasy games to get T3H AW3S0M3.
This Gallery is a REALLY good place to start looking. However, it contains all manner of real (antique) halberds, glaves, maces and warhammers in addition to axes. Poor unfortunate us. :grin:

For samples of good axes, try these:

You know, when you think about how it's almost certain that people died at the edge of almose every one of those, it kinda gives you the shivers.
Shouldn't the double-bladed axe be removed? I remember reading that soldiers actually never used double-headed axes because the second head didn't have any additional advantages. It added weight but had no extra virtue, since the second blade had the exact same function as the first one. Axe-blades with a spike on the other end for piercing armor (Like the ones Destichado posted) were used, but double-bladed axes were purely ceremonial.
I recently saw a reference for REAL double-bladed axes in western history! :grin: IIRC, it's somewhere in the Maciejowski Bible illuminations.

For years and years we thought they were an anachronism, brought over from India, but it very well might be that we were wrong! We still haven't found an example yet, but we haven't found examples of other things too...
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