More classes(well backgrounds)

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Not going the fantasy route but I could see some potential;

-Noble background (someone with a set bloodline among some of the dukes around). This could seem powerful but there could be drawbacks like set enemies etc.

-A Bard/Minstrel? There aren't any musical/cultural skills but why not? Could give you something becides the head bashing to thrive for. Could be out of scope in game but as a background. Why not?

-Beggars kid/Orphan. For those looking for real challenge. Start with basically nothing. A surprise move could be that you have a random parent to look for.

-Horsemaster. Obviously someone with good riding skills :smile:.

-Other trades. There's no item making as such but maybe in the future?

Well, just some ideas.

-Beggars kid/Orphan. For those looking for real challenge. Start with basically nothing. A surprise move could be that you have a random parent to look for.
So that'd be the novice priest, then? :razz:
-Thief: there are no thieving skills, but I hope they will be added. Could evade parties looking for him, if alone (or withother thieves)

-A member of some odd cult. Feared by the lower casts yet loathed by those of higher standings.

-Scavenger/body robber. No actual bonuses, but you'd get more stuff when a battle is over.

-Barbarian. A cliche, I know, but he would be very stron and skilled with weapons, but he'd sufffer higher penalties for wearing armor.

-Assassin: a bonus to damage with weapons common for assassins (crossbows, daggers, throwing daggers, etc.)
Mechstra said:
-Beggars kid/Orphan. For those looking for real challenge. Start with basically nothing. A surprise move could be that you have a random parent to look for.
So that'd be the novice priest, then? :razz:

I was about to mention it but forgot :smile:. Well the priest actually has some nice skills/stats that the beggars son would lack(poor sod).

It's mostly for roleplaying purposes though. Except the "search for parents" would add a cool twist, perhaps?

Second the thief background but there would have to be some more skills for it to work.
That cultist background is AWESOME. Great idea. Now that would add some cool story ideas.

But again, i'm mostly thinking roleplaying. I'm ruined by all that PnP gaming :wink:.

Backgrounds sound good. They could either be implemented as an increased number of classes at the beginning or part of a perk system (ala fallout, lionheart, etc) in addition to the classes. Personally I like games with both classes/skills and perks as it increases the replay value to try out different combinations.

Ones from Fallout like "Heavy Hitter" would be easy as you just give a decrease to speed and a bonus to damage with all weapons. I think Fallout only had about 10 starting perks.
Fallout was AWESOME. And the other day, on 'Pimp My Ride', I swear to god I saw the same exact crapped up car as from Fallout 2. They also fixed it up nice.

Anyhoo, Orphan sounds cool. Lower Int, higher Charisma and Agility then the preist/nun. Starts out with a rat-flail and a pet cat named 'Benzoate'.
Good idea, really!
I've read this yesterday, and during the filosophy lecture another idea concerning the same came into my mind.
What if player could choose his background, from step to step? Where was he born (player clicks on the city on the worldmap - different cities affect the possibilities of choosing parents, hobbies and so on), who was his mother and father (this affects starting skills, for example), what was his hobby (fishing, hunting, helping father on his smithy and so on), then he chooses whose apprentice he became at the age of 12 (13, 14...),... This could be made as a small questionary covering all the character's life before nowadays, or maybe somthing illustrated and accompanied by colorful literary descriptions of your life... Btw, player MUSTN'T know what gives one option and what another one - it should be much more interesting))
I think that would be great, especially if this questionary will cover many aspects of character's life. What's your opinion?
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