More Capability for A Loner?

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Sergeant at Arms
I'd like to see more of a chance for a solo character in the game-- this would include more opportunity in the cities; such as assassin and thieves guilds, ability to incite riots or pick a fight with a guard or citizen. Maybe a broader amount of tavern brawls (which involves more than a drunkered).

Maybe mugging people in allies and such would be neat too, and would probably allow certain weapons to be used more often (like daggers, which no one ever uses) for the purpose of concealment. 

I just feel like you either need to build an army, or otherwise eventually get beaten to a pulp. But if there were more opertunities in the cities and such (assassination or robberies .etc) a single character could have more fun, and a better shot at a meaningful survival.

~Twinkle, lonerish-ly
I've always thought M&B needs more thievery. Others also suggest this a lot, but still definitely a good idea.
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