More Bots in Multiplayer

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I really need your help.. i want to make more than 100 bots in multiplayer.. i know I have to use the module system but I have no idea what i have to do exactly. Pls could anyone help me?

I did this in my own mod. Hang on a sec I am gonna say what to do.
Edit: Go to module_scripts and its some where around in there. Search for "multiplayer" (Hit Ctrl+F to search)
apsod said:
search for what he said in module_scripts :razz:

I did^^ I changed the number to 450 and when I start my testmod.. i still cant get over 100 bots.
--> Again: I dont think i know how to use the module system right :razz:
apsod said:
Did you build the module bat and in module_info change the directory to your mod?

Yes i changed the module_info right.. but I dont know how to use the module bat.. could you help me? :smile:
Ok I figured it out now :smile: thank you for your help

is there a way to get this working with mods?
Yes, since it's in module_scripts you'll have to copy scripts.txt to your module's folder. Things is, any mod that's not Native will probably also have modified that file so it will interfere :p.
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