More bots for multiplayer.

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Sergeant at Arms
Me and my friends usually have fun fighting off hordes of naked vaegirs in ruins. 100 is just not enough. I want to know how to put more bots. Anyone knows?
Somebody said:
(assign, "$g_multiplayer_max_num_bots", whatever), in script_game_quick_start

Thanks a lot, we did 450 naked vaegirs against 450 archers and it was awesome :razz:.
Hello everyone,

I've been trying to do the same, but I cannot find this "script_game_quick_start", could you be more specific, please ?
Vova_Fett said:
Hello everyone,

I've been trying to do the same, but I cannot find this "script_game_quick_start", could you be more specific, please ?

remove the prefix when looking inside the files. So for script_game_quick_start look for "game_quick_start"
Wow, thank you for the fast reply !

I had a hard time figuring this out, since I didn't even have Module System  :facepalm: , but in the end, I found it in the 

Now I wonder, is it possible to add this feature on a mod without overwriting everything else (factions, troops...) ?
Vova_Fett said:
Now I wonder, is it possible to add this feature on a mod without overwriting everything else (factions, troops...) ?

check if said mod is open source (they allow the download of their source / modsys). Otherwise you will need to mess with .txt edits (tweaks).
All this is pretty new to me (system module and source codes... I was mostly messing around with Morgh's editor), but thank you for your fast and precise awnsers, it looks like a friendly community  :party:

I contacted Apsod who has made the Angry Peasants mod wich features multiplayer battle with up to 2000 soldiers, and turns out you can edit a simple line of numbers in the script file of the mod : " 50 2133 2 144115188075856805 101 ", the 101 being the max number of bot in a team, so you can change it anyway you like. But it seems like those numbers vary depending on the mod (for me, the last digit was an :cool:, so if you fail to find this line, you may want to do a search without the last numbers.

I hope this will help any newbies like me who wishes to choose the number of bots, since I saw many related topics, but none of them with the appropriate awnser
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