more attributes/skills?

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wonder how many people would want to see a more complex skill/attribute system, with more attributes? like on the levels of D&D complex? because right now, its kinda plain for personalizing your character, with almost the same attribute and skill sets for almost every character. like, all fighteresc characters always pump up the same 2 attributes, strength and agility, no matter what kind of warrior theyre going to make. like, i imagine a burly 2 handed axeman would probabley want to pump up his strength more then his agility, and kudos for bowmen, who require as much strength as that burly 2 handed axe man to use his bow (for the power draw bonus). Now i cant really imagine someone who uses a 4 foot long thin stick of wood with a string in the middle to require as much strength as a burly 2 handed axe man. I could go on and on, but you get the point.

Of course this would mean a lot of code rewrite once the conceptual system is finalized, but would be more time consuming rather then difficult. Would really pay off in the long run i think.

corksacker69 said:
Of course this would mean a lot of code rewrite once the conceptual system is finalized, but would be more time consuming rather then difficult.

That's why I'd recommend some sort of "perks" system. It wouldn't mess with the existing stats, so they wouldn't have to be rebalanced (which I'd see as a big challenge) and they would add more personalization to the character. I suggested this a while back, and saw a similar suggestion recently.

Then again, it may just be that I'm a huge Fallout fan.
You say DnD is complex? "Ha" three times!)) It is easy as goblin pie! :lol:
Well, there is something in your words... But I agree with Tiedye - perks would be a great implemention. And you know, I like this light RPG system we see in MnB - I like the fact that much more depends on YOU than on your character's skills and attributes. We don't make attack rolls with d20 waiting for a critical strike - we just swing and thrust our two-hander trying to hit enemy...
And about perks. How about making them something like special hits, for example:
Disarm - you can rip your enemy's weapon off his hand if this trick is performed after block;
Feint - performs quick false attack, making an enemy block fromit, and then makes fast strike from the other side;
Bow master - allows you to load and shoot two arrows simultaneously;
...and so on?
These are my ideas for perks (I don't want to reinclude the special attacks that I've listed elsewhere)

-Skinning. If animals are added, you should be able to skin them and sell the skins. The hunter would have this perk in the beginning.

-Literacy. The symbols could be somekind of nonsense markings before you become literate. Then you would have to add books and such. Or maybe this would help you while dealing with aristocracy. The priest should have this.

-Silver tongue. You could talk your way out of trouble, get people to do things for you, etc. This should be a perk for the merchant.

-Extra weapon slot. Since he is used to carrying weapons around, the squire could have an extra weapon slot.

You could think about others, but these are the ones that come into mind right away.
I like the fact that much more depends on YOU than on your character's skills and attributes. We don't make attack rolls with d20 waiting for a critical strike

Well i wasent implying that all you need is a level 10000 character with the sword of ownage +100, or to just make the combat system entirely dice rolls. The combat system is absolutely stunning, and more features can only make it better. I just wanted more ways to differentiate between character classes and templates, rather then the difference just being a few skills, with attributes almost being the same across the board.

Disarm - you can rip your enemy's weapon off his hand if this trick is performed after block;
Feint - performs quick false attack, making an enemy block fromit, and then makes fast strike from the other side;
Bow master - allows you to load and shoot two arrows simultaneously

Yeah, i was thinking like specialty attacks you get with certain weapons once you reach high enough level/profenency/skill. These attacks wouldent be mega uber ownage attacks, but add more stratagy and options. It would also add more depth then the generic run-up-and-pump-attack-key we currently have now. Another special attack could be a technique that gives an arrow shot from your bow lots of spin, giving it a damage penalty, but goes much furthur, faster, and straighter.

Perks would be cool too.
Well, maybe, maybe... I just like the current system, and maybe I'm not objective a bit)) And I haven't bought MnB yet, so I don't know what's going on in the game on 30th level))
And about special attacks - they shouldn't be really "owning", they should just give you a bit more ways to act in combat. ANd, by the way, it'll be interesting if these specials could only be learned from the specialists, which are some kinda veterans scattered throughout the world. And one more thing - swardians and vaegirs should have DIFFERENT special attacks - that will represent the difference between the barbarian nordic and european fighting techniques.
And spinig arrow would do much more damage to the unarmored taget, but will be disasterously less accurate))
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