More Admins

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So your playing as your favorite Faction and decide to take up position at the back with barracades. Those foolish allies were massacred and now outnumbered and out gunned you surrender, you drop the rifle, and wait hoping to get a decent firing squad together. You see a line starting to form your sure you will be executed. and out of nowhere from behind you get stabbed in the back by some guy who just wanted his kills to go up. When you say what he **** he says it was a fake surrender. My question is  HOW THE F*** COULD HE HAVE KNOWN? its not real life the guy doesn't have a knife in his boot or a pistol in his pocket!!! the only thing he could possibly have is a butter knife which is easily concielable ill give you that but still if he attackes he will most likely get killed and then in trouble next round from admins same goes ofr the guy who kills a surrenderer, will get in trouble from admins... Oh wait,  WHERE THE ADMINS AT when you need em there no where o be found, its not there fault i mean 4-5 admins can't always be there and if you go and try to report it, usually they don't even care, especially when its an officer like D**********. Which is why i ask please get more admins,i don't care who they are (only that they will do there job) what rank, it doesn't have to be me im not asking for admin, just that someone does get admin, preferably people with outstanding reputations, Praetorian, Smithy, MacDonald, Aldemar, Vincenzo, Bite me, AgentAB, any of these would be perfect......

This is a true story on forest palisade me and 2 other men had lined up and were stabbed in the back when the 2 got killed i ran and got shot. The person who did this starts with a Del*****nce. And hopefully this anonymous person will be dealt with....
I believe that Praetorian, Macdonald, Vince and Biteme already have admin powers ? (would surprise me if the last 2 hasn't).

Also, from what I've seen from the guys involved with the mod, only the last surviving guy is entitled to a fireing squad. (although I'm not sure what the rules are about 3 people surrendering simultaniously). You also need to have dropped all weapons.

And in any case, I'm afraid you're gonna need prove of this, as it will otherwise just be your outlay of the situation vs Deliverance's outlay. And I'm sorry, but considering the heated discussion in your threat, I don't think anyone can just take your word for it...
Perhaps this anonymous person would have been more inclined to accept a surrender if he hadnt been:
1. Pretty drunk
2. Pretty annoyed at the person for running across the map before proceding to surrender with a bunch of other people
3. Pretty outnumbered at the time so was wanting to reduce the numbers to 1 surrenderer so there was no chance of a fake surrender issue (oh and i mean locally outnumbered not on the whole map- as there were people incoming which i'm sure the person would admit to- whomever it is)
@ a dane well then there not enough, i just threw some name of respectable people i know. we were the 3 last surviving guys and we had dropped all our weapans. And i doubted that he would get in trouble besides its not about getting him in trouble is about getting more admins

1. not an excuse
2. no one was running we held our ground
3. we wouldn't have surrendered if we had outnumbered them, ad even if it is a fake surrender then were the ones who get in trouble not him
4. Your word is not acceptable neither is mine since im person who was attacked and your the person who attacked me...

Dub said:
@ a dane well then there not enough, i just threw some name of respectable people i know. we were the 3 last surviving guys and we had dropped all our weapans. And i doubted that he would get in trouble besides its not about getting him in trouble is about getting more admins

1. not an excuse
2. no one was running we held our ground
3. we wouldn't have surrendered if we had outnumbered them, ad even if it is a fake surrender then were the ones who get in trouble not him
4. Your word is not acceptable neither is mine since im person who was attacked and your the person who attacked me...

It might not be to get him in trouble, but again considering you having a heated discussion with the guy you use as an example, one has to wonder.

I do however agree that a few more admins wouldn't hurt..
we dont need more admins, if anything we have too many, at the event it seemed like the admins were making mistakes by switching maps on accident.
Funny thing is i asked vince if i could be an adminm you know what his reply was there are already enough admins..............
I am most of the time on your server so i will be online most of the time so i can be there when ppl needs help.
Thanks for mentioning me~ i always try to do my best and be fair. But there are many more admisn out there like lord_olafson, rudovich, crusader, uthred and seimour... thats the guys i know.

Best regards,

Donald MacDonald
Dub said:
@ a dane well then there not enough, i just threw some name of respectable people i know. we were the 3 last surviving guys and we had dropped all our weapans. And i doubted that he would get in trouble besides its not about getting him in trouble is about getting more admins

1. not an excuse
2. no one was running we held our ground
3. we wouldn't have surrendered if we had outnumbered them, ad even if it is a fake surrender then were the ones who get in trouble not him
4. Your word is not acceptable neither is mine since im person who was attacked and your the person who attacked me...

Dub that was aimed at you Disparate was talking about a normal 22nd game.
Is it possible to force the "surrending" player lose the ability to pick up weapons or something similar  -  and locking the surrender, so they can't fake it as they're now stuck in surrender mode. And perhaps make them invulnerable to melee?
Chewy said:


Venitius said:
Is it possible to force the "surrending" player lose the ability to pick up weapons or something similar  -  and locking the surrender, so they can't fake it as they're now stuck in surrender mode. And perhaps make them invulnerable to melee?

That's a good idea Venitius or one could always make it official that it's optional to surrender and also optional for the enemy team to accept it. Surrendering is simply causing too much drama.  :neutral:
If anything I think we need some American players to admin. Usually during the hours of 7pm-11pm EST (GMT -5 hours) theres usually 20-35 players, mostly American. We always have issues with tkers, unsavory persons breaking the rules, double gunning etc...

Yukimura_Sanada said:
Funny thing is i asked vince if i could be an adminm you know what his reply was there are already enough admins..............
I am most of the time on your server so i will be online most of the time so i can be there when ppl needs help.
to be completely honest i wouldn't give you admin....Whenever you see prisoners you ride in killing them with a sword, and then shout "he was fake surrendering" are you a phsicich or something
Vincenzo said:
We have Me (obviously) and...
lord_olafson, Rudovich, Crusader, Uhtred, Seimour, DonaldMacDonald, Bite me, Praetorian, Philly and all officers from 22nd Native clan..
well Vincenzo that may be the case but then that surprises me that of all of you none are in the server most of the time. And i think this should be people voted in.

@everyone: so what i want is suggestions on who should be an admin. I guy who gets 3 nominations will get on the poll

The nominations can't be from someone of the same clan. and if there was already 1 nomination, just quote that post and write Seconded. Also you can only nominate 1 guy per player, so choose wisely. I will start. Also can't nominate yourself obviously (got you there Yuki :grin:)

1er_Chasseur_Col_Isak (Isak5777 on the forums)
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