Yes, right now food seems to be the only thing that affects morale. And nothing else - like resting - appears to matter enough to affect morale.
However, morale doesn't (as far as I can tell) affect anything else. If low morale is affecting combat ability or travel speed, I haven't noticed it and I've been experimenting with traveling with no food and constant warning messages that my warparty is starving: no effect on combat performance, no desertions either at 100% starvation level.
ilex said:
Winning battles should also do or so I imagine.
I'm not certain what you mean. That winning battles does affect morale in M&B?
Not that I can tell, and again,
I've been looking for effects like that.
Spadrik said:
good question but I think I have to agree with Ilex
Does ilex mean, "Winning battles in the real world should (but not necessarily do in M&B) increase morale?" That I would agree with.
morale has been relatively neglected on the forums. The few times I or others mentioned it (and
fatigue as well), it's virtually disappeared without a trace.
As long as these two factors are not included in the game (which is an excellent game & entertaining to play), then all our suggestions/discussion about "realism" seem hollow.